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San Francisco –

Cyborg suddenly appeared out of nowhere with Father Blood and his android Kendra behind him and began to destroy everything. The crime alert went off in the Titans tower and Dick assembled the team unfortunately they were short on team mates. Dick, Jason and Gar charged head on to fight but they were dumbfounded to find out it was their very own Victor Stone, Cyborg, who was trashing the city. Citizens ran in fear, Cyborg was out for blood and the streets were filled with injured people. Cars destroyed with people in it. Both adult and child none were spared. Father Blood had decided to end it all no matter the cost. The whole the titans left in his heart will never be filled. He was now ready to kill them.

"Father Blood you gotta stop this. Your grudge is with us." Dick said. They were all suited up and ready to fight.

"I tried to stop myself from hurting others but I can't continue. I have no life anymore. You took away all I have and when I look around and see others happy it reminds me of old times. I'm done. I'm ending everything and your friend Cyborg will do all the work and the blame will be on you titans." Father Blood said and took a few steps back. "End it all Cyborg."

"Victor stop, please!" Dick called out to Cyborg stomping him from stepping on a lady that had a broken leg. "It's us, your friends." Cyborg stared at the trio for a few seconds and suddenly vaporized the lady with his blaster.

"Nooo!" Dick yelled and ran to him in anger. Gar transformed into a gorilla and went into battle followed by Jason.

2Hrs Later –

A big crack appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the bloody street and a bright light emanated from it. A girl came through, he clothes were dirty and a bith torn. Father Blood looked closely to see who it was, so as the titans.

"Rachel?" Dick said, "You're back."He said with excitement in his voice. Cyborg and Kendra had beaten them over and over again. Dick was short on ideas and it looked like the end for them before saw Rachel come through the crack. Gar was smashed into a building and Jason was struggling to stay alive. Dick was bleeding a lot but was still on his feet. The crack immediately sealed back up and vanished.

"The Raven flies back home. It doesn't matter Cyborg will take care you nevertheless." Father Blood chuckled loudly. Before Cyborg could attack, the goo emerged and grabbed a hold of him, her eyes turned black and black veins went round her body. Her body was as pale as a corpse. Fear gripped Father Blood and he tried to make a run for it but the goo shot straight at him and his android and swallowed them. Cyborg tried to move but the goo restrained him.

"Rachel stop!" Dick yelled hoping she doesn't swallow Victor too. The goo kept coming and covered every inch of Cyborg's body except his head. Jason was wounded and bleeding and couldn't move. He leaned on an upside down car that was trashed by Cyborg. She didn't stop; she ignored Dick and the goo went as far as grabbing Jason and Dick and started to absorb them till Gar came out of a building he was flung into. He had changed back and was naked with bruises all over him.

"Rachel?" He called to her. She turned with her horrifying face and saw nothing but fear in his eyes. He was afraid of her. She felt like a monster. She was a monster she thought, Todd is dead because of her and so as Father Blood. She was about to kill her friends too. These thoughts flooded her mind and suddenly her head began to hurt. She fought hard within herself and sent the darkness back in and so as the goo. She was ashamed when she saw how they were all looking at her. Her father was right. She bowed her head and fled the scene.

"Who is it?" Todd's mum asked when she heard the knock on her door. She got up and opened the door to see Rachel with tears in her eyes. "How did he die?" She asked with tears rolling down her eyes in spite of her trying her best to hold them back.

"Saving me and my friends." Rachel replied crying her heart out.

"His body?" She asked and Rachel waved her head. More tears poured from both their eyes. "I told him but I guess he's his mother's son. We never listen to anyone."

"He... He asked me to tell you that... that he loves you." Rachel said.

"Thank you." She said and hugged Rachel. She closed the door and fell on the floor and suddenly bursts out in heavy tears. Rachel could hear her screaming and bottles breaking, the guilt she felt for causing a mother this much pain would haunt her forever. She respected her mourning methods and left. Todd was the only good thing in her life and hated herself for not telling him now her son is gone forever.

Unknown Dimension –

"Finally whole at last!" Trigon roared happily in the darkness where he stood, "I coming, daughter." He said with a grin on his face and crushed the red stone she had imprisoned him in.

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