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"it's not like that gem, i swear."

"it sure damn feels like it."

"gem, i'm just as torn up over as you.. we just mourn about it differently. i care so much, you don't understand how much i care. i'm just trying to move on."

"move on with the one person, if i can even call him a person at all, who caused it all. don't you think mum would still be here if you hadn't met him?"


"no, i get it harry, you're happy and you've moved on. good for you."

"gemma, my heart is still fucking broken. no amount of tears i shed will bring her back, i can't keep dwelling on it, it hurts more."

"i know, go be happy with your inhuman boyfriend. i'm sure he will make everything better."

"gemma please, don't be like this."

"i gotta go, i'll talk to you later, maybe."


"bye harry."

call ended


poor gemma still hurting :(

what will happen next?


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