twenty seven

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when the sun rose in the morning, everyone was still sleeping. zayn was the first to awaken, although he had never really been fully asleep to begin with. he was restless all night after the incident with harry as well as finally getting naraku taken down which was the original plan. he didn't expect to come back to a massacre, but as he and liam were fighting naraku, he could sense harry's intense fear and anger, and that's when he snapped.

he wanted to run to him and help him, and he expected this to be over with quickly, but he was side tracked with naraku and the jinn he had along side him fighting. of course they were in the bodies of humans, so zayn and liam tried not to kill them off, more so just knock them out and subdue the evil spirited creatures. finally once liam got them all down, he took into his own hands to finally slaughter naraku. he was finally able to go to harry as he pleased.

everything from yesterday was stuck in zayn's head, making it impossible to get really any rest. besides, he wanted to watch harry to make sure nothing didn't happen. harry was whimpering through the night, another factor that prevented zayn from sleeping. he kept whimpering, squirming, mumbling in his sleep. zayn just made sure to hold him snug and close that way harry felt a sense of security. eventually, his whimpering did die down and he fell silent through out the rest of the night.

zayn was in and out of sleep, until morning came. harry was still sleeping peacefully, cuddled into zayn's side comfortably. zayn knew when he woke up he would most likely be confused and scared, so he wanted to be here, but his bladder was bothering him as it felt full. being a demon had it's perks, but he still needed to release bodily fluids just like humans did and there was no escaping that. it felt uncomfortable to sit there with his bladder nagging at him. he figured he could quickly relieve himself and return to bed to wait for harry to awaken.

he skillfully slides out of the bed, replacing his body with a pillow underneath harry's arm. harry was out cold, not even stirring at all. zayn breathes softly in relief, before he walks into the bathroom to pee. when he's done he washes his hands and turns to go back into room, but he freezes when he sees harry standing jn the doorway, having not heard him get up. "babe." zayn starts, walking over to him.

"z." harry mumbles. zayn wraps his arm around harry's waist and guides him back to the bed, sitting at the edge and guiding harry to take a seat in his lap. harry hums, lying his head on zayn's shoulder, closing his eyes. "m'tired." he says softly.

"i know baby, you wanna lie back down?" zayn asks. he can feel harry shake his head after a minute.

"n-no, i'm hungry too." harry answers quietly. zayn nods.

"wanna go grab something to eat and lie back down?" zayn asked softly, rubbing harry's back soothingly. harry nods tiredly against zayn's should once more and zayn nods. he pats harry's back to get him to stand up, standing up after him, and wrapping an arm around his waist to guide him out of room and down to the kitchen. there wasn't much to eat since they hadn't really been to the store due to all the stuff that had been going on lately, but after searching for a few minutes, he settled on making harry a couple sandwiches with some chips on the side. he sat next to harry while harry scarfed down the food like he hadn't eaten in weeks. zayn made a mental note to make a run to the store to get more food, because he knew harry's appetite would spike because of his transformation and it probably wouldn't settle until a couple days later.

harry are quietly, zayn watching him carefully. he had to keep a close eye on him. he was still unstable, and prone to snapping at any moment. his eyes were still slightly dark and hadn't yet returned completely back to normal yet. he needed to try not and trigger him, and he didn't know how exactly to do that, but he would try. even though it was going to be hard. once harry had finished his food, zayn got up and collected his dish, sliding it into the washer.

"am i a bad person?" harry asked suddenly asks zayn as he was walking back towards him. zayn sits back down next to him, scooting his chair closer to harry and snaking an arm around his shoulder.

"baby, you're not a bad person." zayn tells him softly. harry looks into his eyes, looking very sad and confused.

"but i killed someone." harry says quietly as if he didn't want anyone to hear those words come from his mouth.

"babe that's-"

"i killed someone, that's bad z." harry whispered sadly. zayn's heart broke for him. he knew how much harry was against harming other people. he found that out the moment harry got so upset about him harming louis. and now the fact that he went and not only harmed someone, but took their life away, really got to him. he knew harry didn't take it well and he was coming to a realization of what he did.

"no, love it's not bad. he was going to kill you if you didn't-" zayn says. harry whimpers softly.

"but i-"

"shh, it's okay. i know you feel guilty, it's normal, but you don't have to feel bad about it. he was already too far gone. naraku has him under full control. his soul was doomed already, there was nothing that could've been done." zayn explained to him. harry sniffles, gazing into zayn's eyes as he spoke. "he caused you so much pain baby. he took an innocent life, he manipulated you and tricked you. he doesn't deserve your sympathy and it won't make you a bad person if you don't feel bad." zayn tells him, rubbing his arm gently. harry sniffles, nodding slightly.

"okay." he murmurs. zayn opens his arms.

"c'mere." he says. harry immediately climbs onto his lap and rests his head on zayn's shoulder just as he had before upstairs and wraps his arms around him. zayn kisses the top of his head, embracing him.

"can we lie back down?" harry asked softly. zayn nods.

"yeah." zayn replies. he slips his arm underneath harry's legs and hoists him up effortlessly, carrying him back up to their room where he lies back down with harry, and embraces him until he falls back to sleep and stays asleep for the remainder of the day feeling more drained than ever.


omg an update? who would've thought?

i know this chapter seemed short but it's literally the same word length as majority of the chapters, i promise.

i'm gonna try to update this story more often lol, sorry guys, but hope you enjoyed. x

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