twenty one

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harry walks out of he and zayn's room a few days later, fixing his hair back into a ponytail. harry may or may not have distracted zayn for a couple days, holding him hostage in their bedroom with his neediness. and for that, zayn completely destroyed him. in a good way, of course. but, zayn told him he really needed to focus on the task at hand. harry didn't want him to go. he wanted to stay in bed with him forever, but he knew he needed to do this.

so, instead harry decided it's best to go check up on niall. liam had said he was feeling a little better, and it was safe for harry to go near him again. niall had been in zayn's guest room for the past couple days. they've all been here at zayn's house for a while actually, deciding it's best to stay together as a group to stay on the safe side until all this mess was handled. liam and niall slept in the guest room together, but niall spent the last couple days in there the most. harry was happy to go see him. he was in an unbelievably good mood after that stress reliever.

harry walks towards the room, barging through the doors. liam sits up on the bed hearing someone enter, narrowing his eyes at harry. harry gives him a look.

"ever learned to knock?" liam asked. harry crosses his arms, giving liam a sassy look.

"ever learned that i don't care?" harry asks. liam rolls his eyes, sitting up fully.

"don't come in here with your shit, h." harry giggles and goes over to the bed, crawling over to liam and jumping on him, placing sloppy kisses on his cheeks. liam gags, and playfully pushes harry away, chuckling softly. "well, you're in a good mood." liam murmurs. harry nods, smiling widely at him. liam gives him a disgusted knowing look.

"gross, mind keeping your lips off my man." niall says softly from beside harry. harry turns around and beams at his friend, before hopping off liam and onto niall instead, wrapping his arms around niall, and peppering his face in kisses as well. niall laughs, moving his head around to try and get away from harry. "okay, okay, that's enough you fucking animal." harry laughs, pulling away.

"i missed you." harry says.

"i missed you too." niall says, smiling weakly at harry. harry plays in niall's hair subconsciously.

"are you okay?" niall nods.

"i feel fine."

"do you remember?" harry raises an eyebrow. niall nods slowly.

"yeah. it's a little hazy, but all i can really remember is feeling very faint, my head is pounding and everything sounded really far away, like i was hearing it from a distance. when i woke up, it was so hot and the room was spinning. suddenly, i felt angry for some odd reason, then you came in and i just kinda black out." niall tells him. harry nods, biting his lip.

"he blacked out because he was no longer in control of his body, his conscious has no recollection of what happened." liam tells him. harry nods in understanding.

"yeah, i don't. but, i know now that i was told and i'm sorry haz, i never meant to hurt you."

"are you seriously apologizing for something you couldn't control?" harry asks. niall pouts.

"but, i tried to kill my best friend."

"you can't kill me. at least not with a piece of glass. plus, the cuts healed immediately, so no worries ni." harry kisses niall's nose. niall smiles, hugging harry.

"awe, i hate you hazza."

"i hate you more." harry says, and they nearly strangle one another with how tight they are hugging. liam gives them a weird look.

"okay, i'm starting to feel very third wheel-ish here." liam says.

"then move." harry says, then he pushes liam harder than he meant to, and liam falls off the bed and falls onto the floor. harry gasps, not meaning to do that and niall bursts out laughing when liam hit the floor with a big thud. liam growls and gets off the floor growling at harry.


"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to li, please don't kill me!" harry jumps up, and tries to run away. harry is fast, but liam is faster and he catches him before he can run out the door. harry screams, yelling for zayn to come help him as he fights to get liam off of him. they fall to the floor, harry laughing hard and screaming. liam has him in a headlock, saying that he's going to kill harry. niall is watching them from the bed, laughing at them.

zayn shows up at the door a few minutes later after hearing the commotion, crossing his arms and giving them an unamused look. harry looks up at him, glaring at zayn playfully.

"took you long enough, what if i was really dying?" harry says. zayn shakes his head disapprovingly and harry's smile drops quickly. zayn then glares at liam who still has his body over harry's. liam let's go of harry, holding his hands up in the defense.

"it's not like that mate." liam says.

"when you all are done fooling around, i'll be downstairs, doing something productive." zayn say irritably, before walking away. harry frowns, sitting up off the floor and looks at liam, who shrugs.

"what's his deal?" niall asked. harry shakes his head slowly.

"i- i don't know. he was fine when i left the room." harry replies.

"geez, you would think after all that sex, he'd lighten up a bit, huh?" liam says. niall and harry glare at him.

"shut up liam." they say in unison.


if you didn't read that as "shut up Meg." we can't be friends.

anyways, what up with zayner?


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