twenty eight

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over the next few days, everything had been a bit weird and quiet. harry was still in deep sullen state together with being extremely clingy to zayn like he always did when something big happened. he wouldn't leave zayn's side. it was so much worse than the last time he was clingy like this. zayn couldn't even go in another room without harry chasing after him, he'd wake up screaming in terror if zayn was not next to him. it was that bad, and of course zayn was handling it the best that he could.

he honestly didn't mind the clinginess, he was just a bit worried about harry's mental state of mind. he didn't know exactly how long this would carry on and if it was any good for him. he tried his best to let harry know that everything was okay, and it seemed to work for a while. he was although, still sensitive and everyone was doing their best to cheer him up, even gemma who is usually bitter about everything. she lightened you a bit, but she still wasn't so fond of zayn. and zayn didn't really like her either, but he had more control over his emotions over a mortal anyway.

since this whole ordeal with zayn's brother broke out, a lot of things have gotten out of hand. he realized his house didn't feel like his home anymore, so on the side of taking care of harry, he was also searching for a new place for he and harry to stay. a place where harry could still be in touch with his friends, and still attend the university he wanted to go to. a lot of things in his house had been destroyed, so it was best that they moved anyway and start fresh.

he had chosen a few of his favorites, ones that he wanted to show harry some time when he was in a better mood and had introduced the idea to him. he knew harry would love it. after everything he'd been through, he definitely deserved a fresh start and a new scenery. he knew that it wouldn't make him forget about everything, but it was a step further to moving on and getting better. that's what harry needed more than anything. he didn't need to wake up to a constant reminder of the bad things.

zayn walks down the stairs where niall, liam, and gemma are in the kitchen talking. harry was up in the room taking a nap. he needed a lot of rest, he was exhausted and not really too much in the mood to really interact with everyone. zayn stayed with him until he was able to fall asleep, and he came down here to speak with the others about his plans for the next couple weeks ahead. although, things didn't exactly go as planned.

"how's harry?" niall asked once zayn enters the kitchen.

"he's alright, he can finally sleep without me being next to him the whole time." zayn says, as he leans against the frame of the opening to the kitchen.

"so he's getting better?"

"slowly, yes. it won't be long before he's back to normal. his appetite has gone down, and he seems less cranky."

niall sighs, "why is being immortal so complicated? i just want my best friend back."

"you'll get him back, just be patient." zayn promises.

"not fully, i don't think harry will ever be the same." gemma comments. zayn looks at her with a blank expression.

"harry is still the same harry as he was before." zayn tells her through clenched teeth.

"no he is not, nothing is the same anymore!" gemma throws her hands up. "not since mum died, not since harry met you!"

"gemma." niall starts, but zayn cuts him off.

"go ahead and blame me for everything all you please, i know it's my fault that harry is like this. i don't need you coming here and reminding me of that. but, at least i can say i've done all i can to protect him, and help him through this. what have you done? you haven't done not a damn thing to help him, you didn't risk your life, you weren't here when he needed a shoulder to cry on. you bitched at him the whole time he was mourning the loss of your mother, and you've done nothing but make him feel even less than he already has for the past weeks. yet you think you have the audacity to come here and point the finger." zayn growls out.

"i do, he's my brother, i've already lost my mum, i don't need to lose him too because of the likes of you!" gemma yells at him. zayn growls walking closer to her, she's standing on the other side of the island. liam puts his hand on zayn's chest.

"zayn, cool it."

"you're lucky that i'm a demon of reason, had i been anybody else, you would've been silenced by now." zayn hisses, feeling anger build within him. as if he didn't already have enough shit on his plate to deal with, she adds more stress. zayn realizes that this is harry's sister and he wouldn't hurt her, but he couldn't help but get pissed off. he was so sick of her running her mouth as if she knows everything that went on here when she hasn't even been here until the very end of it all. he thought that after everything she would get over it already, but she was still convinced that zayn was bad and had ill intentions. he was fed up with it already.

"so, you're going to silence me? go ahead and do it, give harry more reasons to grieve!"

zayn lets out an animalistic growl, violently knocking over three of the stool chairs, shocking gemma and niall. he doesn't say anything else, he just turns around and storms out. liam runs after him.

"where are you going?"

"to get fresh air, look after harry." zayn says as he slams the door. liam sighs running a hand through his hair as he makes his way back into the kitchen where niall was scolding gemma. liam glares.

"listen here gemma, i understand you have concerns for harry, but your comments are not needed at this time. we've all burst our ass to do what we can to protect harry, and shit happened, that doesn't mean that zayn is a bad person. he loves harry with every fiber inside of him. he reallydoesn't need you telling him that he's the reason harry's life is ruined. if anything we've all played a part in everything that's happened, so if you want to find someone to point the finger at you need to start with yourself." liam tells her. gemma is taken aback by his outburst. liam doesn't stick around to hear whatever she has to say after that, he just grabs niall's hand and they exit the kitchen together, leaving gemma speechless and alone to think about what she's done.


sorry i have nothing against gemma irl but i just love drama, so here's a bit of drama for you lmao.

should i end this story soon? i think it's about that time. 🥺

love you all x

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