twenty two

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harry goes downstairs towards the office where he knows zayn is. harry was confused about why seemed a bit agitated. plus, he was blocking harry from his thoughts, which obviously meant he didn't want harry to know. harry walks into the room, seeing zayn on the recliner in the corner of the room, just sitting there staring at the window.

he doesn't look over as harry enters. harry bites his lip softly, walking over to zayn and standing in front of him. zayn narrows his eyes still trying to focus on anything but harry. harry pouts and sits down in zayn's lap with his legs hanging off the side. he snuggles against zayn's chest, snaking his arms around zayn's torso. a few minutes of silence, harry sighs.

what's wrong? harry asks in his head.

nothing, harry.

you didn't call me, babe, or baby, or h, or love, or sweetie. something is terribly wrong. you only call me harry when something's wrong, or when it's a serious conversation.

okay, nothing's wrong, h.

oh god, that's even worse. because you chose not to use a pet name. so, now i'm really worried. harry whines. zayn snorts, holding back the urge to chuckle at harry. he was truly something else.

okay babe, happy now?

yes. now, tell me.

zayn sighs softly, rubbing a hand over his face. "i feel like we're getting nowhere." zayn says aloud, making harry look up at him from where his head lay on his chest.

"what do you mean?"

"look at us, we're just messing around, not doing much of anything. i feel like we're wasting time, as well as running out of it."

harry leans off of him. "babe, we're not, we're just-"

"just what?"

"i don't know, moving on with our lives? trying to live our lives?"

"i know that, love. but, when will it be time to get serious? when it's too late?" zayn asked. harry bites his lip, looking down at his lap briefly.

"maybe, when the time is right.."

"when is the right time? when my brother has killed another innocent person?"

harry chews on his lip, shaking his head. "no, of course not."

"babe, i'm not trying to be a downer, but he's still roaming freely and i feel we still haven't done much. and, i don't want the same thing to happen, nor do i want you or anyone else to get hurt."

"i get it z, i'm sorry." harry mumbles. zayn shakes his head.

"don't be sorry, babe. i just don't want to fuck up, again. maybe, i'm overreacting." zayn says.

"no, you're not. you're right. i want him gone just as much as you. i guess i've been trying so hard to get back to normal, i ignored everything else." harry replies. zayn nods.

"i know, and i understand that. so, don't feel bad about that. i'm not saying not to live your life, but it's just me. i feel a bit distracted."

harry blushes slightly, "sorry?"

zayn smirks, "i'm not talking about that babe. but, in general, i feel distracted. i feel as though, i'm not putting my full effort into this, and that i may face coincidences for it." zayn says honestly. harry nods in understanding.

"z, you're strong. i've seen what you can do. you can do this, we all can."

"i know. and, i can't say that i've ever been afraid of anything, but i'm afraid of losing you. it's still possible..."

"don't think about that z, don't focus on protecting me, just focus on taking him down at all costs. that's the goal." harry tells him, looking into zayn's eyes. zayn gives him a look, sighing heavily. he loosely wraps an arm around harry's waist, before kissing the top of his head. zayn nods slightly.

"okay," zayn starts softly, holding harry closer. "it'll be over soon."

"i hope so."


if you couldn't tell, yes, last chapter was a joke. i got frustrated cause i couldn't figure out what to write.

there's a lot of chit chat in this chapter because i'm trash 🙃

anyways , this chapter sucked , don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell me how bad it was :')))

bye x

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