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"ni, i'm bored." harry pouts, leaning against niall. niall rolls his eyes, continuing to look at the laptop screen as he munched on some chips. zayn and liam went to go see what they could find on naraku, and they had been told to stay in the house, and in the room until they got back. and if something were to happen, harry would mind link zayn first, and if needed to, escape through the window. since they were downstairs in the office, niall didn't need to worry about jumping and hurting himself.

"relax, it's only been an hour." niall tells him. harry pouts deepens, and he nudges niall to get his attention, but niall keeps looking at the screen. harry groans. although, harry was nearly bored out his mind, he was also nervous. he was so nervous on what they would find, or what would happen. if zayn or liam would get hurt in the process.

as bad as harry wanted revenge for his mother, he was still so scared of someone else getting hurt, as well as himself. sure, he had a good amount of strength now and he could probably fight him off, but this man had years and years of experience. biologically born with super strength. harry couldn't possibly fight him and expect to come right out on top. not to mention, harry wasn't exactly too fond of him. he didn't want to be near. every time his face came up in his memory, all he could hear is his own screams, and the images of his mother's last moments.

the thought brought tears to harry's eyes, every time. even though he's moved on from that, he still gets sad from time to time. he still wishes that he was able to save her. and he's afraid if losing anyone else close to him. harry doesn't know if he'll ever feel safe if someone else gets hurt or killed because of him. this is why he's been trying so much to distract zayn from finding naraku for weeks and weeks. he was just afraid that the same thing would happen, but now that they're actually going after him now, harry just feels sick. anytime the subject is brought up, he feels sick.

"what's wrong, h?" niall asked, finally turning to face harry when he went quiet for a while. harry's biting his lip nervously, his eyes are slightly watery as he looks down at nothing in particular. harry sits up, leaning off of niall, playing with his fingers. niall turns to him fully, raising an eyebrow. "harry?"

"ni, i'm worried." harry mumbles. niall puts his hand on harry's shoulder.

"harry, i am too, but we'll be okay."

"i don't think so, ni." harry breaths shakily, a tear slipping from his eye. he quickly wipes it away.

"h, it's okay. i know you're afraid, but it won't be like last time. we know what he's after, and we know who it is.  there won't be anymore surprises."

"i just don't...i don't want-" harry pauses, dropping his head and pinching the bridge of his nose, trying not to cry. niall wraps am arm around him.

"i know. i know, h. but everything will turn out fine, we just have to play it safe. listen to whatever liam and zayn tell us, and let them handle the rest okay?"

harry nods, "okay.."

"cheer up. i don't like when you're sad." niall admits.

"i know, i'm sorry." harry says.

"it's okay. c'mon, wanna watch a stupid movie on the laptop and make fun of it? like we always do?"

harry smiles softly, drying his eyes as he nods. "yeah, i would like that."


"twilight's perfect."


my writing sucks, and my will to be on this stupid app anymore is slowly fading 🙃

predictions? no? i don't care whatever .

bye x

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