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for these passed weeks, zayn's been a bit preoccupied on helping harry through his changes, and helping him get through his mother's passing. that, was his number one concern. zayn always wanted to make sure harry was feeling okay, and that he was safe. zayn, felt a lot more secure now that harry lived with him. he could just always be around, and be where zayn was. not that he wanted to hover over harry and watch over him like he was a baby and couldn't take care of himself. zayn was just afraid of losing him again, or have him get hurt. he's only

yes, he'd been working on finding louis, which was his other priority, but he had to be discreet and play it safe this time. zayn didn't need anymore people losing their lives at the hands of louis aka, his brother. zayn figured naraku's plan out. clearly, now that he had been in control of louis' body he had major knowledge of a lot of things. once louis had been possessed, this gave naraku access to louis' thoughts and memories. that's exactly how he learned about zayn crashing louis' car, harry and louis' falling out and he used all of that against them. he wanted to stir up some trouble, start an argument, in order to get harry separated from zayn, and unfortunately, it worked. and harry's mother paid the ultimate price.

zayn, couldn't let this happen again. he had to track him down, and take him down for good, like he thought he did before. louis, was probably still in town, trying to blend with the other humans, with something darker hiding beneath. now that naraku was living amongst other humans, he had to be careful, but he wouldn't hesitate to rip him to shreds when he found him. this was a small town, it was only a matter of time before naraku is found.

harry already informed zayn where louis lived. whether naraku still resided there is a question. every time zayn watches over the house, he doesn't see louis enter or exit. most likely, he was smart enough to relocate and make it a little challenge for zayn to come out and play hide and seek with him.

zayn is still so furious about the whole ordeal, but he did his best not to show it. him being angry only made harry feel worse as he was feeling it too, so he remained calm and in return, harry also remained a bit more calm. that's how zayn wanted it.

furthermore, zayn really kind of dragged on his mission to find out wherever naraku was, but as of now he was taking it easy. he knows it puts a lot of stress on harry, and it's always a touchy subject to bring up. so he's been really mostly discussing information with liam and niall. and dispite the small amount of information he had, zayn felt they were closer to catching him sooner than later.

"find anything new?" liam asks as he walks into the room, shutting the door behind him. zayn spins around in the chair, lazily, shaking his head.

"no, nothing new, i wasn't looking." zayn answers, running his fingers through his hair. liam frowns, leaning against the desk.

"why not? we're so close to having a breakthrough, y'know." liam says as he takes a seat across from zayn. zayn waves his hand carelessly, sighing.

"i don't know, liam." zayn replies with a huff.

"what's on your mind?"

"too much. i'm trying hard not to overthink. harry will most likely be disturbed from his sleep if i think any louder." zayn says, leaning forward to rest his elbows against his knees, looking at liam blankly. liam grins.

"how annoying must it be to always hear your partner's thoughts. if i had to listen to niall's thoughts all day, i'd kill myself." liam joked. zayn rolls his eyes.

"it's not an ongoing thing, but it's actually quite interesting. harry thinks about so many random things. like, how weird it would feel to break both his thumbs and only be able to use eight of his fingers. or something like, how if he were a girl, how big would his boobs be or something." zayn chuckles.

"your boyfriend is weird, and you might wanna have a little chat with him about that last one." liam says, kicking zayn's foot. zayn scoffs, shaking his head, before he goes silent again, back into his previous thinking mode. liam studies him for a moment, sensing some sort of hesitation with in him. "are you having doubts?"

zayn quickly shakes his head, "no, no, it's not that. it's just- i'm concerned." zayn admits.

"about harry?" liam asks. zayn nods.

"i want him to be safe, and this whole thing, could be dangerous. we don't know what other tricks he has up his sleeves." zayn says.

"z, harry will be fine. he's actually a lot safer than he would've been as a human. naraku can't harm him as easily anymore." liam tells zayn.

"i know that, but it's harry's life i'm concerned about, his family, his friends. i'm only one person liam, i can't protect everyone. and i can't bare to see harry losing someone else close to him. he'll be crushed."

"i understand z. but, we can do this. you're fucking powerful and you haven't been taking full advantage of your strength." liam says. zayn nods in agreement.

"i guess, since meeting harry, i just let my guard down. it never really occurred to me that maybe i'm falling off my game. and harry losing his mom, was just rock bottom." zayn let's out a sigh.

"exactly, and now that you realize that, you need to take every little ounce of your pain, anger, your thirst for revenge, and put it all into taking him down once and for all." liam tells him. zayn bites his lips harshly, nodding at liam's words.

"i suppose, you're right."

"i'm fucking always right." liam says. zayn smiles softly.

"sure, you are, liam."


meant to update this sooner, but i got lazy. been so tired 😭😭

any predictions?


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