twenty nine

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it had been about an hour since zayn left and he hadn't been back yet. liam was dreading it, he didn't exactly know when harry would wake up and what he will react like. he had practically been clung onto zayn's side all week, every waking hour of the day. harry needed zayn more than ever right now, this just wasn't good. zayn needed to come back really soon, he really didn't want to have harry freaking out.

gemma just really needed to watch her tongue. zayn already felt bad enough as it is, he felt horrible. she doesn't know how many times he's come to him bearing himself up over everything that has transpired over the course of weeks. harry's mother's death, harry's transforming, harry's suffering and despair. he could feel every tinge of emotion that harry felt, every hint of pain, he felt it all.

he didn't need anyone to tell him anything, because he felt it deep within his very core. he knew exactly how much harry was hurting, he knew exactly what harry was feeling, but one thing he also knew was thag harry didn't blame him—even if zayn pointed the finger at himself. harry didn't see any of this as zayn's fault. as he said once before, zayn cannot control the actions of others. and while zayn may be powerful, smart, and strong willed, he also could not predict the future, therefore he cannot be the one responsible for such tragedy.

it just wasn't right to throw all of that in zayn's face when he went through so much in order to protect harry—despite the misfortunes. harry was zayn's main priority always and he did his best. he was there for harry through it all, nuff said.

liam sat with niall on the sofa, his arm draped over niall's shoulders, head rested on liam's shoulder. they held one another's hand, playing with each other's fingers nonchalantly while they waited on nothing in particular, just waiting for something, anything to happen. zayn wasn't back yet, harry was still asleep, and gemma left the house a while ago—much to their contentment. all was calm and quiet, which in comparison to this hellish week, was nothing short of a blessing for them.

faint footsteps are heard, pitter pattering around upstairs, making liam sit up slightly at the noise. he looks up, listening in on the noises sounding from up there. harry must be awake now. all liam can really hear at the moment was harry's footsteps walking around. he was most likely searching for zayn. harry then exited the room, causally making his way down the stairs. his hair was messy, eyes still look tired. niall looks back at him.

"hey haz, are you feeling okay?"

harry nods, rubbing at his eyes as he walks over to the two, "yeah. where is zayn?"

"he went out for a bit." liam replies. harry frowns.

"why? where did he go?"

"probably nowhere in particular, he just needed some fresh air."

"d-did i do something?"

"no h, of course not." liam tells him. harry huffs, walking over to sit down in the recliner, pulling his knees to his chest. "i'm sure he'll be back very soon now that you're awake." liam assures harry, knowing that zayn probably already knows harry is woke since they've got that soul mate bond. so the three of them sat there waiting. niall and harry talking a little bit. harry seemed pretty normal to liam. he didn't seem bad like he was the last few days. he was talking like he usually would, he wasn't crying out for zayn, he appeared more serene and less troubled. that was a good sign hopefully. soon, just like liam predicted, zayn did return back to the house. he teleported into the house, appearing next to the front door. he walks over to the three, capturing their attention.

"zaynie." harry murmurs, getting up quickly to throw his arms around zayn. zayn holds harry around his waist, the couple swaying slightly.

"hey baby, you're finally awake." zayn says, kissing the top of harry's head.

"mhm." harry mumbles softly, "i feel a lot better."

"i can tell baby, i can feel it." zayn replies. harry pulls away, leaning forward to plant a kiss to zayn's lips. zayn kisses him, playing with a few strands of his hair. they go sit in harry's previous spot, harry settling into zayn's lap where zayn snakes his arms around harry's waist holding him close.

"do you feel better zayn? you were pretty heated earlier." liam says, and gets kicked in the ankle by niall. liam looks at him with a questioning look. niall discreetly motions to harry with his eyes. liam sighs rolling his eyes.

"heated? why?" harry asks. niall face palms himself, glaring at liam. liam gives his a sheepish look.

zayn exhales softly. he knew he could lie to harry because harry would already know as they are connected. "just your sister said some things, so i just went out to get some fresh air."

harry narrows his eyes, "she did what-"

"don't worry about it babe, i don't want you getting worked up over her."

harry looks at zayn. "no, i do worry about it, because if she's upsetting you, then it upsets me."

"i know, but i'm okay now. i won't let her get to me."

"and you shouldn't. her words mean nothing." harry tells zayn. zayn nods, kissing harry's temple gently.

"you're the only one who matters to me, baby."

"i take offense to that." liam says, raising a fingers. they look over at him, harry giggling softly. zayn rolls his eyes, smiling softly at his friend.

"okay, all of you matter to me. better?" zayn says. liam grins happily.

"that's more like it." liam replies. they all laugh at that, proceeding carry on with talking with one another.

despite the chaos they've dealt with through out the week, they always managed to get through it, and by the end of the day, everything was okay again.


finally an update!!! i was in the worst writer's block with this story!

it's a little shorter than usual, but i hope you enjoyed anyway!


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