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"i called you, what now?"

"only because i said so."

"gemma, i have been calling you for the past three months. and guess what? you bitch at me and then hang up. i don't know what you want me to do."

"i don't. i'm trying to get it through that thick skull of yours that, zayn is bad for you. he's going to get you killed."

"newsflash, i'm already dead."

"thanks to who? haha, don't be stupid harry. you got a second chance on life, that's great. but will there be a third? you need to get out while you still can."

"gemma, he's doing everything he can to protect me. what can he do to prove to you he's not the bad guy?"

"bring mum back."

"gemma, please stop this. he can't and you know it."

"if you can save you, why not her then?!"

"he fucking bonded himself to me. he can only soul bond with one person. saving mum would've meant, bonding with her, which would've broken our bond, and i would be the one six feet under right now. he's explained this to us already. he chose to save me, and as much as i hate to say that, that's what it is and we can't change it. he's not a god, he can't save everyone."

"you shouldn't have got involved with him in the first place...."


"the moment he said some bizarre bull shit about being a demon or whatever, you shouldn't run away and never looked back. all of your stupid, stupid decisions lead up to this mess. mum would still be alive if you would've just..."

"are you... a-re you blaming me for mum's death?"

"well no... but if the shoe fits, i say wear it."

"i can't believe you're actually saying this right now.."

"it's true, harry. your relationship and involvement with him destroyed everything!"


"fuck you gemma, j-just fuck you, okay? you can say all the hurtful things you want to me about zayn and all the other shit, but you went too far. i don't ever wanna speak to you again! i don't care if i ever see you again! you bitch!"


call ended



what is gonna happen now...👀👀👀


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