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after everything calmed down and they got it under control, zayn came downstairs to harry who has his knees pulled up, nervously biting on his nails.   harry had no fucking clue what just happened. niall was fine earlier, aside from feeling a little sick, and all of a sudden, he's destroyed the room and attacks harry. it was obvious this was naraku's doing, but harry did not see this coming. he thought he was safe at home with his best friend.

harry looks up when he sees zayn come down, immediately, getting up. "is he okay?" harry asked worriedly. zayn touches his shoulders, gently sitting him back down and sorting next to him, caressing harry's cheek. he gives harry a weak smile.

"he'll be okay, h. he's just resting now." zayn tells him. harry sighs shakily in relief, brushing a hand through his hair, fingers trembling slightly. zayn wraps his arm around harry, bringing him closer.

"zayn, what happened? he was fine this morning, and then- then he just-" harry stops, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"i know, i know babe. let me explain, okay?" zayn says, rubbing his arm comfortingly. harry breaths out heavily, nodding.

"niall was possessed," zayn says slowly, which he's sure harry clearly already knew. "but, it wasn't by naraku okay? he's not here."

"t-then who was it?"

"it was a jinn. a type of demon from our world, who don't have a body of their own. they possess living beings, to take on their forms and live off of them." zayn explains to him. harry's eyes widen at that.

"will niall-"

"he'll be okay, baby. we terminated the jinn. he'll be sick for a few days, but he'll be back to normal okay?" zayn assures him. harry breaths out in relief, nodding at zayn's words. "but, we gotta be careful. it's clear that naraku is negotiating with the jinn, to get to you. you have to be careful, he might target your other friends."

"what do i do?"

"i'm not saying, don't trust any of your friends, just be cautious around them okay? jinn possessions happen quickly, it's not like any normal demon possession which take days to accomplish. these are powerful spirits, in need of an identity and a human soul live off of. they possess quickly and easily, and become rabid almost immediately."

"fuck, what about you? what about me?" harry asked.

"you don't need to worry about me, demons can't possess other demons." zayn tells him.

"and me?"

zayn bites his lip, "it's possible, but since your body no longer carries a soul, it would be hard. they need a human soul to live and feed off of, and once their soul force is gone, they move on to their next target." zayn tells him.

"i'm scared z. do i have to stay locked in here until he's gone? if i can't trust anyone, what am i gonna do?" harry asks, feeling tears build up in his eyes. zayn pulls him closer, hugging him tightly, stroking his fingers through harry's hair, shushing him calmly.

"everything's gonna be okay. i swear, i won't let him get to you this time. i know i wasn't there for you last time, but i won't make the same mistake again. and even if he does somehow get past me, you know i'll be there in the split second. we're connected now, nothing will go unnoticed this time. i promise." zayn tells him quietly.

"liam and i will protect, you and niall. and if i need to, i have plenty of people i can call on to take him down."


"i love you, h. so much. i'll get everything under control. it'll take time, but i will protect you with everything in me."

"i love you too, z."


poor ni

what's gonna happen?


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