twenty three

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direct message from gemmastyles

what the fuck harry?

what do you want?

you blocked my number, and my instagram, what the hell?

yes, glad you've noticed.


because, you fucking cross the line.

what you want me to do? sugar-coat everything? i'm telling you the truth.

it's not gemma! i don't know how you can sit there and say those things and expect me to wanna talk to you. 🤬

you're my brother

i don't give a fuck if i was your left boob! you don't get to just say anything you want and get away with it!!

you need to open your eyes and see what all this is doing to you!

my eyes are open and all i can see is a bitter bitch.

i'm not bitter, i'm angry, i'm hurt, there's a difference.

well, so am i gemma. but, never once have i made you feel bad for how you felt. but, with you it's like you want me to be unhappy .

that's not how it is.

it is. and i refuse to suffer in silence anymore. i been through this shit too many times.

harry, don't even start.

i went through it when dad left us and nearly tore our family apart. i went through it when louis gave me everything then ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. i went through it when i was shamelessly bullied through high school and felt like dying was the only way out. and i went through it when mum died. why should i be unhappy all the time? you were happy, when will it be fucking time for ME to be happy gemma? when i'm dead? oh wait, i already am. so what's next? WHAT CAN POSSIBLY BE NEXT??


nothing to say now? good. now, leave me alone. you've said enough already.


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