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angry eyes watches harry from afar. harry was walking around the store in the skin care aisle, filling the basket with a sorts of lotion, sunscreen, and other skin care products, scanning over other items. he was fuming, absolutely fuming. he spotted harry on the street, walking with a friend and followed them into the store. when he realized it really was him, he was so pissed off he nearly went on a rampage.

he thought he killed that little bitch, he watched the life drain from the kid's eyes, how was he still alive? the anger in him was fierce. there's no way zayn could've gotten to him that fast, he was sure of it. how the hell did he survive? he was supposed to be dead! and zayn was supposed to be suffering! he clenches his jaw, continuing to discreetly follow harry around in the store. he and niall separated for a bit, and his eyes stayed locked on harry the whole time. he was just trying to figure this shit out.

harry looked lively, although skin was slightly pale, he was in pretty good shape, and he looked happy. happy? how the fuck can he be happy? he thought he destroyed any ounce of happiness left. he wanted nothing more than to go up to harry and end him again. the kid was clueless of his being here, no doubt he was uncoordinated as well. but, he wanted to test something first, before he did it again.

niall finds harry and slaps him on the shoulder, throwing something into the basket. the two engage in conversation, looking at one another as they start to walk towards him. he comes from around the corner, and intentionally bumps into harry as hard he could. harry gasps.

"oh, i'm so sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going." harru apologizes, smiling sympathetically at the stranger. he smiles back at harry fakely, wanting nothing more but to rip that pretty skin off his face and make a mask out of it.

"it's okay, love. no worries." he says softly, fake politeness. niall narrows his eyes at the stranger, before they continue their way in the opposite direction. he cusses under his breath once they are out of sight. harry barely budged when he ran into him. he had a lot more strength than a normal human being. which can only mean one thing.

he knew it. zayn did make it to him. zayn saved him. zayn came to the fucking rescue as usual. he thought he had gotten the last laugh when he killed that bitch, listened to his pathetic cries and whimpers and took pleasure in seeing him die, knowing that zayn's spirit would be crushed, completely destroyed. and zayn, once again, fucked it all up. he's never been so mad in his life. why does zayn always get what he wants? he doesn't deserve it, he deserves nothing.

he clenches his fist tightly, growling lowly.

he was not going to let that pathetic waste of breath, cheat death again. he was going to ruin him all over again.

he was going to ruin zayn.


ok, shit will start picking up now. and double update cause i can't sleep and wanted to write

what's going to happen next?


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