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with zayn's brother being taken out of the equation, and all the mayhem finally having come to an end, things for the four of them have been calmer now. harry had recovered from his recent outburst due to his transformation and he was starting to feel like himself again. he still doesn't quite fully understand what this whole thing meant, or how it would effect him in the long run. he does notice that his body feels a little different, but other then that, he feels like he's mostly back to his normal self.

it still felt strange now that the fight between zayn and his brother had finally come to an end. it was like it was all just a bad dream, but left real scars behind in its wake. harry was happy that was over, it meant that his friends and anyone important to him would be safe again. not only that but as well as other innocent people who naraku has probably used for his evil schemes. that was all over and harry couldn't be more thankful.

however, despite that, harry still felt slightly empty—like a part of him was missing. part of him was missing. he'd endured a lot throughout this battle. not only was his mother killed, but he also has to bare the burden of knowing that he also got blood on his very own hands, not to mention the strain this whole thing put on his relationship with his sister. to him it just felt like his life had been falling apart piece by piece, like some sort of punishment.

he's tried so hard to just be happy, and stay strong for not only himself but for everyone around him. but truth is, he's still hurting deep down. he wishes there was something he could do to turn back time and do it all over again, but then he realizes that this isn't some video game that he can get multiple shots at. this was his reality now, and he had to live with what had been done. he's immortal now, in a way he's no longer human.

however, there was one thing that was keeping him sane through out all of this, and that was zayn. while it's true that harry's life has been a little rocky since meeting him, he's the one who choose to stay after zayn revealed what he really was. therefore, harry blames zayn for nothing that has transpired in the past couple months. harry is just grateful to have zayn in his life.

not even just zayn, but niall and liam too. niall has always been and always will be his best friend, and no one could replace him. and even though he and liam bicker all the time, he was grateful for have him in his life as well. nothing feels better than to be surrounded by love and people that care about you visa versa, during hard times.

that's really the only reason he'd been able to get through this as well as he has. he thought he would break down and lose all of his sense of hope, but he was saved from all of the despair and suffering, and he will be forever thankful for that.

meanwhile, today had been a pretty quiet and uneventful day. gemma was still gone—not that anyone was complaining—after the disagreement her and zayn had, it was probably for the better for her not to be here. the past couple days have been hectic and on edge, but it's a lot more tranquil today.

harry engaged in normal conversation with both niall and liam occasionally, or found himself being stuck to zayn's hip like a conjoined twin. he hated that he was being so clingy to his boyfriend, but he couldn't help himself. all he wanted to do was stay by his side at all times. zayn had reassured him many times that it was fine, though harry still felt bad about practically breathing down his neck all the time.

they didn't do much throughout the day, aside from lounge around, talk, cuddle and discuss what they were going to do next now that everything had be dealt with.

that is ultimately what lead up to what they were doing now; searching for a new place to stay in together.

it's not like zayn's place was exactly at home anyway, and it just didn't feel good being here anymore. and harry couldn't stand the thought of going to live back at home where all the shit happened. since gemma was the oldest, it was initially her responsibility to make sure the house would properly be taken care of and put back up for sale. since that was being dealt with, harry just had two goals in mind. getting prepared for college and getting a new place to stay.

which is what they were right in the middle of doing. searching nice houses or apartments and seeing which one best fit their desires and needs. they say huddled together on the bed with harry's laptop opened as he scrolled aimlessly through the website.

"what about this one? it has a balcony." harry murmurs, tapping on the screen with his finger. zayn shrugs.

"if you like that one, sure." he answers. harry hums, deciding to scroll and keep on looking. he stops at another that looks appealing and looks through the pictures, smiling.

"ooh, this one has a pool." harry tells him. "like it?"

"only if you do, baby." zayn replies, rubbing his arm. harry sighs, shaking his head before going to the next one.

"okay, how about pool and balcony?" he asks. still, zayn gives him a nonchalant reply.

"sure, if you want to." harry huffs and looks at zayn with a frown.

"but i want to know if you like it z." he says.

"i do like it baby, if you like it too." zayn tells him, stroking his arm still. harry pouts.

"but we're getting the place together, it can't just be about what i like." he says with a sigh. zayn readjusts their position slightly, bringing his hand up to cup harry's cheek, caressing it gently as he peers into his green orbs.

"baby, i don't care where we go, as long as i've got you, and as long as you're happy and comfortable, then so am i." zayn tells him truthfully. harry blushes slightly, biting his lip lightly.

"but are you sure that whatever i pick, you'll be comfortable with? z, i want you to be comfortable too." harry says. zayn chuckles, pinching his cheeks.

"baby, i've lived in the depths of hell half my whole life, where temperatures reach as high as nine hundred degrees. i'm sure whatever you choose won't be anywhere near as bad as that." zayn tells him smiling lightly. harry giggles softly, leaning forward to peck his boyfriend on the lips briefly.

"fine, but no complaints when we finally get in our new place and you don't like it." he says. zayn hums softly.

"you won't hear a peep out of me, my love." he says, giving harry another kiss. the brunette grins against his mouth as they kiss for a couple seconds and finally break apart. harry smiles at him with so much love in his eyes, zayn pretty much conveying the same emotion as they gazed into one another's eyes.

"i can't wait to start over and start our lives together." harry tells him. zayn combs his fingers through harrys hair, stroking his scalp gently.

"i can't wait either, baby." he tells him, leaning in to press their foreheads together. "i love you."

"i love you, too."


it's been 84 years.......finally an update!!!

unfortunately, this story has come to an end. there's nothing else left to for it and i have other stories i need to focus on and get completed as well, so i cannot keep holding on to stories that need to meet their end 😟💔

next chapter will be the epilogue.

i hope you all enjoyed, thanks for all the support! xx

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