twenty four

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it was only days later when things took a surprising turn.

zayn barges into the house, making harry, niall and liam. he has this stormy look in his eyes that made harry worry. zayn looks directly at harry for a moment, but then his eyes turn to look at liam, eyes narrowing.

"i found him." zayn say sharply. harry's eyes widen as he hears those words leave his lips, his slow heart beat almost coming to a full stop in his chest. liam's face turns serious as he watches zayn. "we gotta go now."

liam nods, leaning down to kiss niall and whisper something into his ear, before straightening up again and walking over to zayn, heading towards the door.

harry jumps up and runs over to zayn quickly before he has a chance to step foot out the door. "wait, zayn!" harry grabs his arm, tugging him back. zayn looks at him, waiting.

"we have to go, h. this is our chance." zayn says. harry nods.

"please, take me with you." harry says. zayn narrows his eyes, taking his arm away from harry's hold and shakes his head.

"harry, no. we've been through this already. you are to stay here with niall."

"please, i- i don't - i can help."

"no, stay here. with niall." zayn tells him. harry's eyes glisten slightly and zayn sighs, grabbing harry's hands tightly. "i will be fine. but, you need to stay here with niall in case something goes wrong. he's still human, he needs protection too."

harry nods slowly in understanding, because he knew zayn was right. harry couldn't leave his best friend here alone and defenseless. he needed to be here for niall, just like niall's always always there for him. he also had to be strong for himself and everybody else. he had to let zayn do this, he had to end this. this was what they were after these last rough months, and here and now was their opportunity.

"okay.." harry whispers. "be safe, please." harry pleaded. zayn kisses his forehead.

"i will be baby. just stay here and don't go anywhere. we'll handle it. okay?" zayn tells him. harry nods again, zayn kissing him on the mouth gently, pulling back. he gives harry one more look, before he and liam rushes out the door, shutting and locking it. harry sucks in a shark breath, staring at the door.

niall walks up behind him, placing a hand on harry's back to reassure him. "they'll be okay, h. they are strong, together they can defeat him, and he won't be able to hurt anybody anymore."

"i just don't want him to get hurt."

"he might get hurt harry, but he'll never give up until that man is gone."

"i know." harry sighs.

"c'mon, let's just go sit and wait. if anything happens, you'll be the first to know."

"yeah, you're right." harry says. he begins to follow niall back over to the cough to sit down and recollect his thoughts. until there is a knock on the door. harry frowns and looks at niall in thought, who shakes his head.

"don't answer it." niall whispers.

"i wasn't goi-" the knocking again cuts harry off, and the color that's barely on harry's face, drains.

"hellooo? it's gemma, i know you're in there, harry. let me in."

"aw fuck, what is she doing here?" harry whisper yells to niall.

"i don't know idiot, she's your sister, figure it out." niall whispers.

"she could be fake. i don't trust it. maybe i shouldn't open the door."

"okay, good idea." niall agrees. harry groans and shakes his head

"i'm opening the door." harry says and goes towards the door. niall goes to stop him, but harry is already at it, and twisting the handle. niall stands back, watching. gemma has her arms crossed, giving harry a look. "what are you doing here?"

gemma rolls her eyes and pushes past harry to walk inside. "well, when my brother is ignoring me, what did you expect?"

harry scoffs, "oh, you came to bitch at me in person since you couldn't do it via text, gotcha." gemma sighs.

"actually, i didn't."

"then what? why are you here right now?"

"i just wanted to talk... and to apologize." she sighs. harry tilts his head, waiting for her to continue. "it's been hard for me, y'know, coming to terms with it. i'm still in shock. i mean, you guys basically just dumped a ton of information on me and left me to deal with it. it feels like being in a fucking movie, and i'm just still trying to take it in. i didn't mean to be a bitch or anything, i just- didn't know how to deal with this."

"you don't think i know that? gemma, i understand that it's hard, i feel it too. but, there's nothing wrong with dealing with the pain in my own way. i'm just upset you got mad at me for doing just that."

"yeah, i realize that now. and i realize that it's okay for you to be happy... i lost mum, i don't want to lose you too."

"i don't want to lose you, neither." harry admits. "even though you were a bitch to me, and i hated you, but i still love you."

"i love you too, little bro." gemma smiles. harry smiles softly back at her, walking closer and pulling her into a hug. gemma hugs him back, laying her head on his shoulder. "i don't blame you, h." she whispers. harry hums. "for mum's death, i don't blame you. i was wrong for saying the things i did. i know how much you loved her, and i know if you could, you would've protected her with your life."

"thank you.." harry murmurs. "that's all i needed to hear." harry sighs. gemma nods, and as they're about to pull away, niall joins in, wrapping his arms around them.

"awe, group hug!" he says. harry rolls his eyes, and pulls away. niall fake pouts. "you're so mean to me."

"whatever ni." harry laughed. niall sticks his tongue out at him and they start making faces at one another, making gemma rolls her eyes and walk away from them. harry snickers when niall flips him off.

just as harry is about to make another smart remark, he feels a sharp searing pain in his back that travels through to his stomach, which forces a pain filled shriek to leave through his lips. niall gasps loudly, and he hears gemma yell his name. harry looks down and sees that's a metal pole impaled through his stomach and his eyes widen. but before he can speak, it's ripped back out of him and he screams, falling to the ground. niall is quick to aid him.


standing behind him is louis, holding the bloodied pole, staring down at them with wide eyes. harry's whimpering, holding his stomach as his wound starts trying to heal, but it's not healing fast enough and he losing a lot of blood. niall wraps his arms around harry's shoulders. gemma also rushes over, trying to help.

"h-harry, i'm s-sorry." louis says, and it's really louis. harry can tell. he isn't possessed anymore. but, why did he do this?

"what the fuck, you psycho!" niall growls.

"i- i have no choice, i must.. i must listen to my master." louis stammered. harry groans, at his body takes a little time to heal, squeezing his eyes shut. louis' eyes start to darken, his fingers tightening around the weapen in his hands. a low growl escapes his lips.

"i must kill, harry."


haha, i made a happy moment and then a ripped it right away from you guys hahahaha

what's gonna happen?

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