Ch 39

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It has been a few days since bunny passed away.

The days have been hard for me. I didn't feel very happy neither did the members and unnies.

He was like a family. He was a really sweet guy. I felt more sad because I still lost a mate.

One day we were silently having our meals when Jin oppa spoke "hey guy, it's been so long since I bought something from the supernatural stores so today I brought a door" he said faking excitement to make us happy or atleast smile a little.

"Anywhere door from doraemon?" I asked

"No no it isn't like that! Its a past life showing door" Jin said.

"Past life" we repeated

"Yea, it will show us our past lives. If this is our first birth then the door will take you to complete darkness with a little light showing you were still dust in the universe. " He continued.

"But does that reincarnation is true!" I asked shocked.

"Yes it is! Don't you ever wanna know what you were before this birth?" He asked and I gave it a deep thought.

Suddenly Tina spoke "I will see first"

He then placed the door to a wall where it attached itself on its own.

Tina unnie opened the door hesitant and asked "Jin oppa can you come with me?"

"I am sorry , one person at a time only is allowed" he said sadly.

"Oh-ok" she replied gulping as I started cheering "it's ok unnie , all is well!!" I said making her laugh.

She entered the door and it closed.

"How long will she take?" I asked.

"Well the thing is the time in the door is slower than here. It takes 1 hour here for 1 day to complete there" he replied.

Suddenly unnie returned. It wasn't even 1 minute.

"What happened?'' we asked.

"It was pitch black and had stars. " She replied

"It was so pretty I stayed there for a while before returning" she smiled.

"Yahhh! You didn't have any lovers before me! I am your first!" Taehyung shouted happily picking her up and twirling her making us all chuckle.

It surely helped the gloomy atmosphere.

"C-can I go next?" I asked shyly. Every one looked at me and I felt a little bit embarrassed "Actually, I want to know why a human like me was chosen as Jungkook's mate" I mumbled. 

"Oh yeah that's surely a mysterious question." Jin replied and everyone nodded. 

I looked at Jungkook who smiled "Well I still love you human or not"

I smiled back blushing and entered the door. 

The first thing I saw was a small family laughing and smiling at each other in the dinner.

Suddenly the mom like figure shouted "Min Ara! eat your vegetables!" 

My eyes widened as I saw the girl. They couldn't see me of course. Is that little girl me?

"noooo" she whined making me chuckle. Suddenly she looked at my side and screamed making me gasp. 

"MOM! THERE IS A GIRL OVER THERE!" She shouted making my eyes wide. 

They all looked over but couldn't see me. 

The family consisted of 2 parents 2 sons and 1 girl. "There is no one" The younger boy said 

"No Yoongi oppa there is!" She shouted scared. My eyes widened. 

Yoongi Oppa! WHAT!

I looked closely at the boy he actually looked so much like Yoongi....

Min and Yoongi...

This is getting weirder and weirder. 

The girl ran away to her room and her mom shouted "ARA! COME BACK HERE! STOP FOOLING US AND HAVE YOUR VEGETABLES!" 

I followed the little girl and she shouted seeing me.

"Who are you! please don't hurt me" She started crying . 

''I am not here to hurt little riceball" I said making a cute face and hugged her softly. 

I felt protective knowing this cutie is actually my past life. 


"I promise I am not here to hurt you" I said genuinely and she blinked at me. 

"are you a g-ghost?" She asked. 

I shook my head cutely and continued "I am an angle!" I said making the gwiyomi sign near my face with my fist making her chuckle excitedly 

"Really! You are an angle!" she spoke clapping. 

"Yes!" I nodded smiling softly . 

"But why can't others see you angle unnie?" She asked sadly

"Because you are a special kiddo" I answered and her face lit up. 

"So how old are you?" I asked "7!" she said showing holding 7 fingers 

"Woah! so tell me about your brothers and family!" I asked excited. 

"My family has mumma , papa and my 2 oppas!" 

" what are your oppas name?" I asked. 

"Min Yoon-gi and Min Geum-jae" She answered sweetly and my eyes widened. 

Yoongi's older brother's name Geum-Jae...

Does that mean...I was Yoongi's sister. 

I blinked feeling tears in my eyes and suddenly she asked "Omo why is angle unnie crying! Is she sad! Wait I will show you something!" she said and suddenly turned into a cute little wolf. 

I felt the wolf snuggling her head against my stomach and I picked her up. She was very small and brown like a little dog. 

I softly held her in my arms before letting her go and turn into a naked little girl. She smiled shyly as she wore her clothes. 

"Is unnie happy now~!" she asked and I nodded making her "YEAHHH" happily. 

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