ch 8

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I sat on the bed pouting feeling anger boiling inside me.

Jungkook came in and sat beside me. I looked down trying to see what he is actually gonna do.

"I am really sorry dear" he said trying to hold me. I sighed loudly showing my annoyance.

"Ok...I promise I will never pull out any stunt now...I thought you were one of those fans...who will do anything to get their bias..." he said quietly looking away.

"REALLY?! Jungkook...I love Taehyung" I said making him shoot his eyes up and look at me with wide ones. 

"WHAT!" he said shocked

"yes! my love for him is unique. I am not the type to go sleep around me!" I said and he growled.

" you love your mother?" I asked seeing that shouting and arguing wont get us anywhere "of course" he replied





"Your future child?"

"you mean our child?" he said smiling widely


"Yes...I will always love him or her or they" he said smiling proudly

"You 'love' them?" I asked with folded hands.

"Yes" he replied still not getting it.

"now tell me with whom whom did you sleep and have sex?" I asked

"What?! of course no one" he said weirded out.

"See! love is not always sexual or romantic! It can be of any form! I love Taehyung as a parent because I know he loves kids! I love him like a sibling because he is mature, protective yet playful and I love Taehyung as a mother as well because I know how good of a son he is!" I replied and Jungkook was...Jungkshook.

"That's...deep" he said

"yes. That's why I love him" I said and he looked down

"you still care about him...more" he said

I blinked seeing how sad he looked like a puppy.

I was confused...I don't know what to do. Should I stay angry? or calm down and comfort him?

Before I could reply I heard a voice "Jungkook its time to practise!"


" I will go" he quietly said and left.

I kind of...felt sad seeing him so dull and sad...after all he is still my one of my favourite.


It was 7 pm and I was talking to Susan about my country when I heard a Tina say

"Hey they are back...I think you should go talk to Kook" She said me and I nodded

"They are at the backyard relaxing" she added and I smiled thanking her.

I knew the perfect way to make up with him. He started a prank so even I will end it all with a prank.

I remembered Jungkook was wearing a white T so when I came out to the backyard I saw Jungkook with his back facing towards me.

I quietly crept over so he doesn't see or hear and as soon as I was near , I poked his sides and when he jumped out of shock I smacked his butt laughing like crazy.

But my laughter soon died out when he turned around.

My eyes widened and my mouth was wide open.

My cheeks were blushing and my heart was beating fast because of uneasiness.


"I AM SO SORRY! I AM REALLY SORRY" I said bowing repeatedly at the man...I was so could I do this...!!!

He just stared at me blinking.

I was almost in tears due to embarrassment

"I am so sorry Yeonjun..I thought you were my mate" I said as I looked at him finally.

'' Who are you" he asked with a deep voice. I felt so little in front of him.

" I am Y/n...Jungkook's mate" I said looking anywhere but him.

Just then I saw Jungkook who was talking to Hoseok , he didn't see me yet.

" I guess I have to leave now" I said and was about to leave when he held my hand making me even more conscious.

" Now that we met...shouldn't we know each other? I like knowing people" he said kind of shocking me

Shouldn't he feel awkward and a little angry at me.

I mean isn't that obvious after what I did.

"Um-well...Jungkook is there so I guess its better if I leave" I said smiling weirdly and got his grip off of me and left to Jungkook quickly.

As soon as I came to Jungkook he smiled

"hi dear" he said cheerfully making me unconsciously happy and smile.

"hey..." I said looking behind to see Yeonjun looking at me , creeping me out.

Is he a werewolf? I just mentioned mates...he better be.

" Jungkook...TXT members....are they humans or werewolves" I asked

"They are werewolves...why do you ask?" he said softly hugging me

"No...nothing just asked" I said and leaned into his touch. Looking up I saw Yeonjun still staring at us weirdly.


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