Ch 36 (Thursday)

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Today was another date with bunny.

He said he wanted to keep it low seeing I don't want extravagant things.

He just wants to take me out on a car drive and take me to a restaurant.

I was really fine with it! I mean nowadays I feel sick with all these travelling and greasy food...

After a long drive we reached a deserted area. The area had big grass and a beautiful table with 2 chairs across it. There were those small decorative lights making the place look dimly lit and pretty.

"I am sorry I didn't do much..the food is in that small cabin I will get it" he replied and made me sit.

I waited patiently and he returned with plates.

He looked at me with a sweet smile  and I opened the lid.

I gasped and felt my eyes water when I saw food from my country.

It was (insert your favourite traditional food)

And also (second traditional food item)

I choked on my saliva as tears dripped down my eyes.

"Than-thanks it's my favourite used to make it" I said and he kneeled down beside me.

"I really love you alot yn. I am very happy to see you happy...just don't cry" 

He said wiping my tears.

I leaned down and hugged him gently.

"Thanks again" I said and he got up.

"Now let's eat the food, I am sure (food making youtuber) will love to know her/his recipe was really nice" he said making me chuckle.

"Oh my gosh, you really made it?" I asked excited making him nod.

I digged in and sighed at the wonderful and long forgotten taste.

The food was warm and delicious just like my favourite restaurant's food in (home country) .

Soon the laughter and food was over.

It was 11pm. Time to rest.

I was really sleepy. The food really makes me sleepy.

"I am so sleepy, let's return" I requested .

"Don't worry, the cabin has a soft bed. We can rest there" he said and I nodded.

We head in the small cabin and I felt like home .

I quickly fell on the bed not bothered to check if he had enough space to sleep.

He chuckled and softly caressed my back lovingly.

I payed no attention to it as I was swept into deep slumber.

Suddenly I woke up. The lights were switched off and bunny was sleeping beside me holding me gently.

I needed to pee. Damn I hate this.

I slowly pushed his hand off my waist and went off to search the bathroom.

Suddenly my nose was filled with a disgusting smell.

The smell was rotting and full of blood.

My heart beat increased and I decided to wake up bunny when I felt my thighs get wet.


I was so scared that I peed. I could see a little due to the dim lights being on outside the cabin.

I felt embarrassed as I saw my pee flow down on the floor.

Tears fell and I choked on it. I am so much old now, how could I just pee like this.

Suddenly I saw a black shoe making my eyes widen.

I looked up slowly and saw a handsome yet scary looking guy with blood smeared around his face and a cat in his hand.

I wished I could unsee what I saw.

The cat's neck was torn and blood seeped out. He was drinking the cat's blood!!

I felt like I would vomit all the food I ate with bunny.

I was so scared I couldn't utter a word. No voice came.

"Human blood....tasty" he said as he sniffed.

He looked down at my pee and smirked.

"Tasty" he said and that's when I was done.

"AHHHHHHHH BUNNY!" I screamed and tried running but he flew over and descended in front of me blocking me.

He was a vampire....

I felt like I was in twilight movie set. But honestly that's the last thing I shall be thinking about.

The vampire quickly held my arms and tried to stop me from running as he tried to bite me.

Bunny was awake and came towards us , shocked seeing the vampire.

He came closer to hold the vampire away when the vampire slashed him away with his wings. Bunny fell down unconscious.

I took this opportunity to run but he was faster and pinned me down on the floor.

He tore my shirt on the side and looked at my breasts covered with my bra.

I felt my tears strain my eyes as he smirked

"That's the place were we can suck more blood" he said, unlike in the movies where they suck from the neck.

He leaned down and bite the fair span of my bossoms making me scream in pain. It hurts so bad.

Slowly I felt dizzy and nauseous.

He pulled away and licked his bloody lips.

"My tastiest meal" he said and smacked his lips in delight. After a second or so he flew away.

I finally closed my eyes.

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