Chapter 2

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"Dear Caitlin Malfoy, 

I am writing to inform you that your seventh year at Hogwarts will begin September 2nd, one day after when you are expected to meet the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross Station. The following paper has a list of supplies you will need for this school year. I would also like to inform you that you have been appointed Head Girl.

Please write back as soon as possible to confirm your position as a seventh year Hogwarts student and Head Girl.

Minerva McGonagall

Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

I smile wide and I accioed parchment and a quill and write back immediately. I whistle for Athena, my own barn owl, to come down to where I am.

She soars down the steps and lands on my arm and I give the letter of confirmation to her as well as the other's confirmation letters and I send her back to McGonagall.

"Well since no one has made an announcement yet I'm just gonna say it now, I got Assitant Head Girl!" Addie says with a huge smile.

"I got Head Boy!" Scorp exclaims with the same smile.

"That's great you two! I-"

Before I could finish I heard a pop behind me and I turned around to see Alex standing behind me with a huge smile on my face.

"Guys I'm Assitant Head boy!" Alex exclaims with a smile.

We all congratulate him and everyone looks at me.

"Well? What were you saying, Cait?" Mom asks me with a bright look in her eyes.

"I got Head Girl!" I reply.


It's a week after we got our acceptance letters and since there is only a little over a week before we have to board the Hogwarts Express, we are all running around the house before we head to Diagon Alley to get school supplies.

"Guys hurry up! We're meeting everyone in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!" I yell from the front doorway.

Every year we meet all of the Zabini's, Nott's, Parkinson's, Longbottom's, Potter's, and Weasley's at George's store and we all separate into pretty much age groups to get our things.

The Potter's and Ron's family took a little while to add into the mix because of everything the generation above us went through when Mom learned the truth, but they finally were added. Even though Ron usually stays away from Dad and Uncle Blaise.

After fifteen more minutes everyone is finally at the front door and we all apparate into the prank store.

"Lyra!" Aunt Ginny exclaims with a big smile before engulfing my mom in a hug.

Mom laughs and hugs her back, "Hey Gin. It's been too long."

Of course, we try to get together as much as possible, but sometimes we just can't. Mom and Aunt Gin haven't seen each other for at least two and half weeks, while they used to basically live with each other. 

Hey, Cait! Alex, Addie, James, and I are all ready to break off.

I look over at my twin to see him standing with the other seventh years of the group.

Scorp and I have the twin telepathy as Mom and Uncle Blaise do. No one really knows how twins get it, but Roxy and Fred II also have it. Maybe it has something to do with someone higher in your family tree also having it.

Anyways, I say bye to the others in the group and I head out of the Prank store with my friends.

We met James in our first year because Minnie made it so Gryffindor and Slytherin had all but one class with each other. The one other class was hers, and she had us with Ravenclaw, so naturally, us Marauders used every chance we had to mess with her.

"So what will our big prank be this year?" Alex asks with the mischievous gleam that's in all of our eyes, except for James.

"Please don't make it slugs in the feast again! I lost my appetite for days!" James said with a groan.

"That was child's play, James. Besides, I even lost my appetite and that's saying something." I said with a smirk.

Everyone laughed a little and we walked into the first store to grab our supplies.


It's a few days later and there's exactly a week left of summer before we have to board the Hogwarts express. That also means its time for the Marauders Yearly Birthday Celebration.

It was August 23rd, 2000 when my mom and Aunt Gin's water broke at the exact same time. Dad and Uncle Blaise went to St. Mungos through the floo network and ran into each other with panic in their eyes.

What they also didn't know was that Addie's mother went through the floo network at the exact same time, because of the same reason. And they didn't even realize who they were running by.

Eight hours later, the Mauraders were all born within four minutes of each other. 

I was born first, then Alex, then Addie, and lastly Scorp.

Ever since then we had a magic connection between all of us and we didn't even know it.

Alex, Scorp, and I all grew up together, and then two and a half years later when we met Pansy's adoptive children, Addie and Jacob, we realized the group was missing someone after all.

Addie and Jacob don't like talking about their bio mom. Which is fine with me. If I find them having a bad day, I Accio pounds of chocolate and sit with them until it's all gone.

Anyways, we don't need to talk depressing right now. Today we are doing our joint birthday celebration where everyone is at the second Malfoy Manor to celebrate.

Grandma 'Sissa still lives at the original Malfoy Manor and she has done plenty of renovations to it. But, Dad wanted his own place, where his father never lived.

So now we have a giant manor that is bright and colorful all the time. It's also filled with muggle technology and items.

It's become a yearly tradition for all of us to come here for our birthday since it's the biggest of all the manors. Every year, Molly comes over early in the morning to help cook as much as possible with Mom, Aunt Ginny, Astoria, and Pansy.

Arthur, Dad, Uncle Blaise, and Theo all put up the tents and set up the tables and everything else outside.

Scorp, Alex, and Jacob all decorate the outside area and Addie, Jane, Daph, and I all decorate the inside.

This year, us Marauders chose a Red Carpet theme. Everyone gets to dress up and the decorations are amazing. The food is also is decorated for the theme, specifically the way it's displayed and decorated and it looks amazing.

After four hours of cooking, setting things up, and decorating, everything is finally done and we all congratulate ourselves before heading up to our respective rooms and get dressed. 

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