Chapter 11

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It's a week and a half later and I'm not gonna lie I am kind of panicking. Each champion needs a dance partner for the Yule Ball so they can start the dance and I have no idea who is going to be my partner.

Stefan and Sadie had it easy since they actually hit it off really well and they are going together and Rosalina is going with Lorcan Longbottom.

I am running through the halls since I am late for Transfiguration and I make a sharp turn and then fall to the ground.

"I'm such an idiot..." I mumbled to myself as I pick my bag back up.

"You okay?"

I look up at who I ran into for the first time and see Nick looking at me with a smile.

I sigh and nod my head, "Yeah, I'm just super late for Transfiguration and McGonagall is going to kill me."

Nickolas and Rosalina are actually seventh years Slytherins, how I never noticed them before beats me. I guess I pay too much attention to my family and family friends.

"Can't you just apparate to class?" he asks.

I groan, "Yeah I can. I completely forgot I got my license."

He laughs and shakes his head a little, "Well, I'll see you later."

"See you."

He walks off and I shake my head and apparate into the Transfiguration classroom with a small smile on my face.

That is until I see Minnie's glare towards me.

"Caitlin Malfoy detention with me tonight," she says before continuing on with her lesson.

I sigh and go to my seat, "Of course ma' am."


It's five hours later and after dinner, so I am of course arriving at Minnie's classroom for detention.

"Ms. Malfoy please take a seat," she says gesturing to the seats of the classroom.

I sigh and I just sit in my normal seat.

"Now, would you care to explain to me why you were late to class today?" 

"I'm so sorry, McGonagall. I woke up late, and I didn't eat so I had no energy. There were students who asked me questions, and I ran into Nickolas Robinson. I really didn't mean to be late."

She nods and looks down at the stack of papers on her desk, "Until we are done, you are going to help me grade the most recent test for my third-year students. Once we are done, you may leave. Understood?"

I nod, "Understood."

I walk over to her desk with a chair and I sit down on the opposite side of the desk and grab the first test.

After almost two hours I finish grading the last test and I sigh in relief when I am finally able to massage the cramps in my hand.

"Before I let you go, I have a question for you," Minnie says with a smile.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Have you found a dance partner?" she asks.

I sigh, "Not yet. I have been too focused on everything else."

"What about Nickolas Robinson?" she suggests.

"But he's just a friend, Minnie," I say in a confused tone.

"So? You can easily dance with a friend. Why haven't you asked any of the Weasley's, Potter's, or anyone else?" 

"I couldn't go with them, they are my second, crazy, huge family. Going to the ball with one of them would feel weird." I reply.

"Well, I think you would enjoy going with Nickolas. Now, you are dismissed. Get some rest, I don't want you late for my class once again."

I nod and say goodbye before grabbing my bag and leaving her classroom.


It's the next morning and I am actually on time for getting ready. Once I am done changing and I have all my things, I walk down from my room, through our common room, and out towards the Great Hall.

I walk down the halls and I eventually walk into the Great Hall.

I sit down at my table and I start eating.

"Any luck?" someone asks.

I look up from my food in confusion and see Scorp with a curious look as well.

"What are you talking about Scorpion?" I ask.

"A partner for the ball?" he explains.

I groan and put my head down on the table.

"Woah, Cara you okay?" Alex asks.

"No..." I groan as I bring my head back up.

"Detention was that bad?" Addie asks.

"Detention was fine. Everything is fine. Or at least it would be if I had a partner for the ball."

"Just go with Nickolas. He's hot and a Slytherin. Plus, you're already friends." Addie suggests.

"Oh my god, why did you and Minnie both suggest him?!" I exclaim before letting my head fall back onto the table.

"Cara all you need to do is ask him to go with you as a favor," Scorp says with a groan before using his hand to lift my head up.

I groan, "Fine."

They all laugh and smile and I push Scorp's hand away so I can continue eating.

After about half an hour we all head to Transfiguration and before I walk in I am stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

I tense up and slowly turn around only to see Nickolas standing there with a small smirk on his face.

"Hey, Caity!" he exclaims.

"Caity?" I ask.

"It's my nickname for you. Cait has just gotten boring at this point," he replies before taking his hand off my shoulder.

I smile a little then shake my head, "Alright then. Nickolas, I need a favor."

"I'm gonna cut you off right there. You have got to stop calling me Nickolas. Call me Nick. Merlin, you can call me Nicky since I added something to your nickname, just please don't call me Nickolas. Also, don't call my twin Rosalina, call her Rosie. We don't like our super long names. Anyways, what's the favor?" he asks with a grin.

"Will you be my partner to the Yule Ball?" I quickly ask.

"What?" he asks, even though I know he understood.

"You heard me," I groan.

"Uhm, well that's definitely not what I thought the favor was going to be..."

"Oh my god, will you be my date to the Yule Ball yes or no?!" I exclaim.

"Yes! I will be your date," he replies.

I sigh and a small smile forms on my face, "Thank you."

He smiles a little, "Of course."

We both end up just staring at each other for a little bit and Addie was right, he actually is kind of hot...

ANYWAYS, we break out of our trance and we both head into Minnie's classroom with some time to spare.

But the one thing that I noticed when I walked in was the way Scorpius was smirking at me.

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