Chapter 3

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When I get upstairs, I take a shower and I change into some shorts and a random t-shirt so I don't mess up my actual outfit beforehand. I do my makeup and I do a metallic smokey eye look with a bright red lipstick so my makeup will really stand out. I brush and dry my hair out and I flat iron it before using a curling iron to make nice slight waves in my hair and I leave it down.

I head into my walk-in closet and I change into my short, sapphire blue dress and I put on a silver and sapphire ring and a matching silver and sapphire bracelet.

After I put on my matching heels and grab the matching bag I put my phone in my bag and I head out of my room.

As I walk through the halls of the manor I run into Scorp and I must say he looks better than I expected.

He is wearing a dark gray tux with a tie that is a similar shade of my dress.

"You look great, Cait," Scorpius says with an honest tone and a smile.

I smile back, "You do too, Scorp."

He holds a hand out as a gesture for me to go down the steps first and I laugh and go ahead. He follows me and when we get downstairs I see everyone else down there.

We all look amazing!

All of our parents are wearing what they wore to Mom's welcome to the world as a Zabini ball and they really do look amazing.

Addie has a short emerald green dress on, Alex has a dark grey tux with a lighter grey tie, Jane has a short white dress on, and Daph has a short lavender dress on.

I realize that some of us have very similar outfits compared to our family members but mainly the fact that I have almost the same outfit as Mom, and Scorp looks almost exactly like Dad.

"Are you guys trying to copy us?!" Dad exclaims with a laugh.

"You're the one who bought me this outfit!" Scorp exclaimed back.

Everyone laughs even more and we all head into the living room and we all hang out with each other until the first guests arrived at seven.


It's been hours since the first guests arrived and the party is still going strong. Music is blaring through various speakers all throughout the house and in the outside area. The food is long gone but everyone is enjoying themselves.

I am walking throughout the house looking for a towel after Charlie spilled some butterbeer but when I opened a storage closet and turned on the light I saw Teddy and Vic snogging as if there was no tomorrow.

"MERLIN YOU TWO! ON MY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled with a huge smirk.

They both jumped apart and stared at me as if I was a deatheater.

"Caitlin don't you dare speak a word about this!" Teddy exclaimed.

I smirked and looked the two of them over, "Alright, fine."

They both breathed a sigh of relief but then I took in a deep breath and yelled at the top of my lungs, "SCORPION, RAVEN, STALLION, HURRY!"

"No, no, no!" Teddy yelled right before the other three Mauraders apparated beside me.

"What's up, Cara?" Scorp asked.

"Guess who I found snogging in the supply closet," I said with a huge smirk.

The three of them looked at the two in front of us and exploded in laughter.

"This is great!" Addie exclaimed as she grabbed her side.

"Wait until the others find out!" Alex added.

"C' mon you four! Keep this our little secret and we'll do anything!" Vic exclaims.

"Oh please, Vic. It doesn't matter if you're part veela you can't convince us to keep this to ourselves!" I say as I pull myself back together.

They two of them start begging us even more and we just stand there with smirks on our faces. I start to hear footsteps coming down the hallway and I step out of the closet to see Charlie walking towards us with butterbeer staining his shirt.

I quickly go back into the closet and whisper into the other three's ears that Charlie is coming and they look out the closet and we all look back to the two in front of us.

"Alright, here's the deal, we'll keep this little meeting between the six of us. If, you buy all of us a new pair of dragonhide gloves." I say with a smirk.

"Alright deal," Teddy says with a groan.

We all smile and I grab a towel from behind them before walking out with the other three.

I get to Charlie and I hand him the towel and he thanks me before heading into the nearby bathroom.

After almost an hour everyone is somehow gathered into the living room and I and the other marauders are all sitting on a couch together.

"Alright you four it's time to open your gift," Mom says with a smile that is familiar to everyone.

Instead of spending a ton of money on a gift for all four of us from everyone, everyone pitches in and we all usually get the same thing as our gift. Last year, it was a brand new set of quidditch robes.

We are each handed a large box and once they say we're good to go we rip open the gifts and we pull out our gift at the exact same time.

"No way!"

"Are you serious!"

"This can't be real!"

"You got us all a Firebolt!"

Exclamations are heard from all four of us, and we don't even realize that everyone is just staring at us in curiosity.

I'm the first one to notice and I become completely confused, "Uhm...What's up?"





We were using the wrong nicknames. That makes sense.

"Why are you calling each other that?" Aunt Ginny asks.

"Uhm..." none of us know what to say. We've never been caught before.

There was dead silence for a few minutes. But then out of nowhere, there was uncontrollable laughter coming from behind everyone in front of us.

Everyone moves to see Minnie almost falling to the ground because she couldn't hold in her laughter.

"Oh my, you people really are thick..." she says through her laughter.

"Minnie! You made it!" I exclaimed.

She gathered herself and smiled, "Of course I did. Now should I explain to these people or will you?"

I smile and look at the others who have bright smiles and we all nod.

We all stand up with enough room to give each other but I notice that the rest of our friends and family aren't giving us enough room.

"Could everyone take like five steps back?" I ask and watch as they do just that.

I smile and nod before looking at Scorp, Addie, and Alex who all nod and I face forward and close my eyes.

I've done this enough before where I don't even feel any shock when I open my eyes and I'm immediatly closer to the ground.

I look towards the large group in front of us and they are all staring at us in shock.

"You four are animagi?!"

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