Chapter 29

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{A/N- This chapter will be in multiple people's perspective.}

-Nick's POV-

It's a couple of weeks later and Scorp and Cait are still in a coma.

While in a normal school year the school year would be over by now, because of the tournament Minnie has decided to have the school year-end during the last week of July instead of June. Which I'm honestly okay with.

I have gotten special permission to visit every day so like normal, I get my lunch and head down to the hospital wing. Once I get there I sit next to Cait and I just talk to her.

I know, I know, it sounds insane. But Pomfrey told me it could help if someone was talking to her, and it could maybe help wake her up quicker.

I don't know how accurate that is but I'm honestly desperate.

I tell her the normal things, like how classes are going, the lastest news outside of Hogwarts, and how much everyone misses her and Scorp.

But then I kind of lose ideas, so I end up rambling.

"I miss you Caity. I miss hanging out by the Black Lake. I miss playing quidditch for fun in the middle of the night. I miss the little arguments we would have about the stupidest things, like if water is wet or not. I get that you need to be like this, and I'm happy it's helping, I really am. I just miss you. So, much."

I sigh and stand up and head to throw away what's left of my lunch before I hear something.

"Nice speech, Nicky..."

I drop my things which were lucky since I was right about to have thrown away what was in my hands and I spin around faster than ever before to see Caitlin looking at me with her eyes barely open.

I run over to her and sit beside her and I grab her hand with a huge smile on my face, "You're awake! Oh my god, I have missed you so much! How are you feeling?"

"I feel worse than ever before. Would you mind calling for Pomfrey?" she asks.

My eyes go wide and I quickly nod before running to get Pomfrey and bringing her back to see Scorp waking up as well.

"Welcome back Mr. and Ms. Malfoy. I assume you guys would like something to soothe the pain?" Pomfrey asks.

They both basically groan in agreement and she gives both of them a vial of something to drink and I can already tell it tastes terrible by the way Cait's face transforms in seconds flat.

"I have a few messages to sned now so I can notify others that you are all awake so I will be right back. Mr. Robinson please keep an eye on them and notify me immediately if anything goes wrong." Pomfrey says.

I nod and she heads back somewhere and I sit down between them.

"Everyone has missed you guys a lot. I'm sure in a few moments everyone you know will be running in here."

AS IF ON CUE, everyone comes running in all yelling and exclaiming things and I can't understand a thing anyone is saying.

"Hey everyone! One at a time!" I exclaim.

Everyone goes silent except for Lily, "Cait, Mom just got taken into custody."

-Cait's POV-

Everyone stayed completely silent when Lily says that one sentence.

"What? Why?" I ask as I sit up with the help of Nick.

"She's the one who put your name in the goblet!" James yelled.

My eyes go wide and I look over at Al.

He nods and sighs, "It's true. At some point, Mom knocked out Charlie and took a piece of his hair to make a polyjuice potion. My guess is she did it right before the drawing since Charlie seemed to be the one who carried the goblet to the room where the drawing was, but he doesn't remember doing it. Mom was just like Crouch Junior in the way that she was working with Lucius and she made it so you were going to get drawn into the tournament."

I groan and lean my head back, causing me to slightly hit my head on the wall behind me, "Thanks for telling me, you three. Did they find everyone?"

"If you mean everyone who attacked you, yes, they did. Everyone is back in Azkaban and Lucius is in a special cell made so he can never escape again." Dad replies with a small smile.

"I just have one question, how am I alive?"

I was ready to die that night. I jumped in front of Rosie and I thought my grandfather was going to kill me. And I was prepared for that. I didn't hesitate. But now I have no idea how I'm even here.

"Because of me, Twinnie," Scorp says with a groan as he sits up more.


"He's right, Cait. Because of your special connection, Scorp was your living lifeline. If you didn't have each other, you wouldn't be alive." Mom says with tears in her eyes.

I look over at Scorp and smile at him, "Thanks, Scorpion. I owe you one."

"I would do it again in a heartbeat. But I hope I won't have to," he says with a small smile back.

There are scattered laughs and after Pomfrey does a few more tests, she says we can leave the hospital wing, but we have to check in with her every other day.

"Thanks, Madam Pomfrey," I say before getting out of my bed.

At least trying to.

Right as I tried to stand up I fell back onto my bed and may have hurt myself if it wasn't for Nick being right behind me.

"How about I get a couple of wheelchairs for you two?" Pomfrey says as she quickly turns around and heads to get them.

Once Pomfrey brings out the wheelchairs I thank her and Scorp and I both get a little help before we are finally sitting down in them.

"How about we head to the Great Hall to get some food?" Alex suggests.

We all agree and we all head to the Great Hall to eat with someone pushing me and Scorp along the way.

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