Chapter 9

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It's a week later and Mr. Ollivader is making sure my wand is usable.

"You have a very beautiful wand, Ms. Malfoy, and you take very good care of it. Your wand is good to go for the tournament," he says with a smile that everyone has seen.

"Thanks..." I mumble before leaving the meeting room and I head to my common room.

Once I enter my common room I fall onto the nearby couch and I scream into the cushions.

"You okay, Cara?" Addie asks.

"Nope. I'm not. McGonagall called us all into her office today and she told us that the events were going to be the same as the last tournament. How am I supposed to handle that?!"

She starts rubbing my back in reassurance, "It will be alright. Since you know what the tasks are, you have a better knowledge of how to prepare."

I sigh and nod and we eventually leave the common room to go to class.


It's the morning of November twenty-fourth and I am walking down the halls of Hogwarts when I hear a pop behind me.

I secretly grab my wand and slowly turn around, just to see Rita Skeeter and her fellow goons standing behind me.

"Hello, Caitlin darling how are you this fine morning?" she asks as her magic quill writes down everything that is said.

"What do you want, Rita?" I ask with a groan.

"Why I just want a statement. How are you feeling about having your first task today?" she asks with a smirk.

"I feel fine. Now if you could excuse me I'd like to get to the Great Hall so I can eat my breakfast. I can't entertain anyone with an empty stomach." I say with a snap.

"Well, how is your boyfriend?" she asks with a sly smirk that makes me really understand why she's a Slytherin.

"What boyfriend?"

"Nickolas Robinson of course. The twin brother of your fellow Hogwarts champion?" she says.

"Nick isn't my boyfriend. What in the name of Merlin makes you even think that?"

She doesn't say anything, she just hands me a small picture. I look at it closely and see that it's Nick and I hugging after winning our first quidditch game this season.

I laugh a little and rip the picture up, "That, Ms. Skeeter, was a picture of me and my fellow chaser celebrating us winning our first quidditch match. That team is my second family."

Her jaw dangled low as she watched the ripped up pieces of photo paper fall to the ground, "Oh honey dear, I can make your life miserable."

I smirk, "My father is Draco Malfoy and my mother is Lyra Malfoy. You already messed with my mom during the last tournament which was a major mistake, so I suggest you think about what she would do to you and your name if you messed with her daughter. Now, Rita, I'm going to eat breakfast."

She growls at me and I smirk more before walking to the Great Hall.

When I walk into the huge room there are hundreds of stares towards me but I just roll my eyes and ignore it. 

I sit down at the table I always sit at and I eat my breakfast before heading to McGonagall's office for a last-minute meeting with the other champions.

After about half an hour, the other three champions are in the office with Minnie and me and we are able to start.

"After lunch the four of you will immediately go to the tents on the outside of the area to get dressed and chose the dragon you will be going against and finding out the order in which you will go in. You will be scored based on five topics, strategy, health, damage, accomplishment, and speed. If you use a good strategy, which I'm sure you all will, you will get the strategy point, if you don't get hurt or hurt the dragon, you get another point, if you don't damage any of the real eggs you get a point, if you get the golden egg you get the accomplishment point, and if you do it all at a good speed, you get the last point. These points will be decided by the chosen judges, which are me, Maxime, Krum, Potter, and Weasley. Now, I wish you the best of luck, and you are dismissed."


Guess what! It's four hours later and the other champions and I are all in the tent by the arena.

We are all dressed in the appointed attire and Charlie has just come in holding a small bag in his hands.

"Alright, guys gather around," Charlie says as he tightly holds the bag closed.

The four of us walk over to him, while already knowing what is inside the bag.

"Now, this is pretty easy. You each pull out a mini dragon from the bag and that is what you will be going against. Also, pay attention to the tag around its neck, as that will tell you in what order you will be going in."

We all nod and say we get it and we each take turns pulling a dragon out.

Stefan pulled from the bag first and he drew out a mini Common Welsh Green which had the number one dangling around its neck.

Sadie pulled from the bag next and she drew out a mini Chinese Fireball which had the number three dangling around its neck.

Rosalina pulled from the bag next and she drew out a mini Swedish Short-Snout with the number two dangling around its neck.

I already knew I was the last one. I sighed and pulled a mini Hungarian Horntail from the bag and I tensed up. This is the most dangerous and the same dragon Harry pulled out. I don't even think he knows what dragons are in the bag.

"Alright then, Stefan you are up in five minutes," Charlie says before running out of the tent.

I sit down in my section of the tent and I try to remember what Harry exactly did during his tournament, but I couldn't, so I guess I'll have to wing it.

What did you draw?

I groan and I take a deep breath.

A Hungarian Horntail.


Scorp please don't yell in my head...

Sorry. But that is dangerous!

I know! Do you remember what Harry did?

Oh my god, you're a genius, yeah I remember!

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