Chapter 30

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As we enter the Great Hall, the room goes silent. I see Minnie looking at me in particular and I just slightly smile at her and she smiles back.

Nick pushes me the table I usually am at and we just talk while I eat, not really paying attention to anything else that is going on in the room.

I already knew there were going to be whispers heard when we came back. I survived the killing curse that was cast by my grandfather.

So I let them whisper. 

As I was eating I heard someone coming from behind me so I quickly turned around, not noticing the pain and saw Harry standing there with dark bags under his eyes.

"Hey, Harry. Uhm, how are you?" I ask as I look him over.

"I'm so sorry about Cho, Caitlin," he says.

I smile a little, "It's okay, Harry. You couldn't have done anything about it. I'm just happy she can't bother me anymore."

He nods and quickly leaves to go god knows where.

 "So...We don't have to take our N.E.W.T.s right?" Scorp asks.

I roll my eyes and turn myself towards him, "I think the coma messed with your brain, Twinnie. We took the N.E.W.T.s a week before the last task."

"Oh yeah...We did..."

I sigh and continue to eat my meal.


It's a couple of days later and I am heading to the hospital wing so Pomfrey can make sure everything is doing fine, which I know it is.

Once I get there I sit down on a bed and wait for Pomfrey to come.

"Hello, Ms. Malfoy. How have you been feeling?" she asks as she starts doing basic things.

"I've been feeling decent, definitely sore though," I reply.

She nods and starts feeling around to see if I feel any major pain anywhere specific.

Which she does find around the top of my stomach.

I yelp in pain when she starts to feel around and she quickly steps back.

"I'm guessing that's where the pain is centered?"

I nod and take a few deep breaths before blinking away the few tears forming in my eyes.

She thinks for a moment and then looks me in the eyes, "Can I have you lift your shirt up, please? Just high enough for me to see where the pain is centered, you don't need it to be any higher."

I nod and lift my shirt up and when it's high enough, I heard her gasp and she rolls a full-sized mirror in front of me and my eyes go wide.

Right where the pain is centered, is a bruised, red scar in the shape of a lightning bolt.

"It appears the curse hit you right above your stomach, Ms. Malfoy," she says as she takes a mirror away.

I sigh and nod, I understood it. The wand motion I saw Lucius do as he cast the spell was the lightning bolt. I'm just surprised I didn't notice the scar sooner.

"I will be putting you on a pain medication that you will need to take twice a day. I would recommend taking it right when you wake up and right before you go to sleep," Pomfrey says befoe heading away from where I was.

I sighed and fell back onto the bed.


It's a little less than a couple of weeks later and McGonagall has dismissed everyone except seventh years from lunch.

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