Chapter 28

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{A/N- This chapter will be in multiple people's perspective.}

-Scorp's POV-

I am sitting with Alex, Addie, Jane, Nick, and the others close to Minnie when I'm hit with a wave of pain that I have never felt before.

I yell in pain and I would've fallen to the ground if it weren't for Alex and Addie.

"Guys something's wrong with, Cait. I-I can't hear her anymore. Or feel her!" I exclaim as I am held up.

"What do you mean you can't feel Cait?!" Nick exclaims.

"The feeling's gone! You of all people should know the feeling Nick! Something is wrong! We need to talk to Minnie!" I yell before yelping in pain again and almost falling to the ground.

"Alright Scorp, we'll talk to her."

-Rosie's POV-

I watch as Cait falls to the ground and scream louder than before.

I get myself loose and I glare at the man in front of me.


I can tell he's about to cast the spell again but I'm somehow quicker and I grab my wand and do the first spell I ever cast, "Expelliarmous!"

The wand flies from his hands to mine and I snap it in half before stunning the other death eaters around me and keeping everyone in the area far from myself and Cait.

"You worthless little-"

I stun him harder than I thought possible and his unconscious body hits a wall of the manor before falling to the ground.

I don't even worry about anyone else in the area, I just focus on Cait.


Rosie what's going on?! Scorp is saying he can't feel Cait anymore and he is having a hard time staying up. He's almost lost consciousness a few times also!


I drop my wand and I look for a pulse. I know it's an impossible idea but I still try.

And I eventually feel one beat.

I start panicking and sing every song I have made that could heal her and after what seems like forever people start arriving.

"She was hit with the killing curse! But she still has a pulse! I have only felt a single beat or two but it's there! You need to go now!" I yell.

McGonagall and Pomfrey take her and leave as fast as possible and I run to Kingsley.

"Sir, Lucius Malfoy, as well as multiple other death eaters, are within a hundred feet of us. I sincerely suggest you and your team contain them before they wake up."

He nods and himself as well as numerous others run off to get the people who attacked us.


I look where the yell came from and I see Nick running towards me.

I run over to him and basically fall into him, "It's bad, Nick. It's really bad."

"It's okay. You're okay. But Cait and Scorp aren't. Any ideas on why Scorp is also being affected? You've always been smarter than me." he says as we separate from each other.

I think about it for a moment then remember something I read, "Oh my god we need to get Scorp to Pomfrey now!"

We both run over to him and the others and I apparate us all into the hospital wing.

I take Scorp to the bed beside Caitlin and I lay him down before turning to her, "Madam, you may not know this but some twins have a special connection, including Scorp and Cait. They can hear each other's thoughts and feel each other's feelings and I believe that the only reason Caitlin is alive is because of Scorp."

McGonagall and Pomfrey think about it for a moment before McGonagall speaks up, "I believe you are right, Rosalina. But how are we supposed to help both of them? Because of the connection Scorp is also in danger. If we don't act fast, we could lose them both."

I think about it for a moment then quickly inhale, "If Caitlin is healing at all because of the connection, I believe if we put them both in a medically induced coma with the help of potions, spells, and more medical help than ever, we should be able to keep them stable. Which could give us more time to figure out how to continue helping them."

Before anyone can speak a loud beeping is heard coming from a machine attached to Cait.

"Her heart rate is as low as it has been. We have to do something now!" Pomfrey exclaims frantically.

"" I hear.

My eyes dart to Scorp who is staring right back at me.

"Do the coma idea..."

I look back at Pomfrey and she has already started putting them both into their comatose state.

-Nick's POV-

I can't believe it. Caity was hit with the killing curse, SURVIVED, and is now in a coma. And no one knows when she will wake up.

"Where is she? Where is my daughter?!" I hear someone exclaim from behind me.

All of us students turn around to see the parents of Scorp and Cait.

Lyra and Draco Malfoy themselves.

Lyra comes running over to her kid's sides and starts to immediately break down crying and Draco kneels down behind her.

"I'm going to kill him! He's going to wish he stayed in Azkaban!" Draco growls before looking back at us kids.

Mainly me and Rosie.

"Who are you two?" he asks.

I'm completely silent and I hear Rosie sigh beside me.

"I'm Rosalina Robinson and this is my twin brother Nickolas Robinson. We are close friends of your children. I'm also Caitlin's fellow champion, and I guess winner, considering we both grabbed the cup at the same time. My brother and I are also on the Slytherin quidditch team with your children." she replies.

I can't say a single word and I don't know why or how but I for some reason just sigh, turn around, and walk out of the hospital wing.

I can't be there anymore. I can't see the pain, I can't hear the machines which are the only things keeping the girl I love alive, and I can't talk to the people who love and care for her as well.

I just can't.

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