Chapter 4

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Alex and I nod since our forms are the only ones in which you can really tell. I make eye contact with Minnie and she nods with a bright smile.

"Yes, they are. They became them in their first year believe it or not. I was the only one who knew because I'm the one who told them how to become one." she says.

"McGonagall you let our children become unregistered animagi?! How could you do that?!" Mom exclaimed.

"Who said they were unregistered?" Minnie asked with a smile.

Everyone starts going crazy but I just shake my head and look over at Alex. He nods and starts stomping on the ground until everyone is quiet again.

I look back over at Minnie and she continues.

"As I was saying. In their first year, I let them become animagi and they have been ones ever since. As you can see, Scorpius Malfoy is an emperor scorpion, Addilyn Parkinson is a white-necked raven, Alexander Zabini is a german stallion and Caitlin Malfoy is a caracal. We have tried to figure out for years why they are these animals, but we have had no luck. The only thing we know is that these are their favorite animals, and maybe that is the only reason. Now, children, please transform into your original selves."

We all transform back and everyone is in shock, but of course, we're not surprised. It takes years to become an animagus, and we did it when we were in our first year.

"That's why you call yourselves the Mauraders...Isn't it?" Harry asks with a look I have never seen from him before.

"We heard all the stories about your father and his friends, and while none of us are a werewolf, we wanted to do this. They were a group of four people with a strong bond no one could deny, they pulled pranks, and they were animagi. It just felt right." I reply.

No one really talked after that for a few moments. But eventually, after the moment passed, we were able to continue celebrating.



It's September first and we are late for the Hogwarts Express. After two more minutes of chaos, everyone is gathered in the living room and we all quickly apparate to the platform.

I feel a little dizzy from the teleportation but it quickly passes, we say goodbye to our parents and run onto the train and into the compartment, we have stayed in the most. 

After a few minutes, we are in a full compartment.

Inside there is me, Scorp, Alex, Addie, Jane, Daph, Jacob, and Albus.

"Huh...Addie and Albus are kinda out of place aren't they..." Scorp says as he looks over the people around us.

"What do you mean they're out of place?" I ask as I toss everyone a chocolate frog.

"I mean Addie is the only non-Slytherin and Albus is the only one not born from a Slytherin parent."

Addie and Al both stiffened up and I slapped my twin over the head with all the force I had, "YOU IDIOT!"

"OW! CAIT!" he exclaimed before grabbing his head.

I looked over at the two across from me and I sighed, "Don't listen to him. You guys do belong. He's just an idiot who doesn't think before he speaks."

"He's right though..." Addie whispers.

"Hugo Weasley. Victoire Weasley. Louis Weasley. Molly Weasley. Roxanne Weasley. What do those kids have in common?" I ask to the compartment.

"They are all Weasley's?" Alex guessed.

"Nope. They all are out of place." I reply.

"What are you talking about?" Al asks.

"None of them are in Gryffindor. Sure their mother might not be either, but they weren't born a Weasley. All Weasley's are Gryffindors. It doesn't matter about your history, your house is what you value. They all value what their house represents, Addie you value cleverness and you are one of the most creative people I have ever met, and Al, you are one of the most ambitious people I have ever met. So don't feel less about yourself for not being like your family, you are perfect the way you are."

"Weren't the Potters always Gryffindors also?" Daph asks.

"I think so, but I didn't include Lily because Cho is Ravenclaw," I replied.

"Well, thanks for the speech, Cait. Give your twin some tips please." Addie says with a smile.

We talk during the rest of the train ride until Neville shows up at our compartment door.

"What's up, professor?" I ask with a smirk.

"It's still hard to hear you guys calling me that. Anyways, McGonagall wants the heads to meet her in her compartment," Neville says with a laugh and a smile.

"Alright, will the prefects be called or will we have to talk to them?" I ask.

"She'll talk to them. Speaking of the prefects, where would I find the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw prefects?" he asks as he looks over our compartment.

"Lucy, Fred, Louis, Roxy, Daph, and Jacob are all in a compartment together, so once you find one, you find all. But, since I don't know who the other Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw prefects are, I can't tell you where they are." I say with a slightly apologetic tone.

He sighs and thanks me before leaving to find the rest of the prefects.

"Alright, let's go," Addie says with a groan before the four of us head to McGonagall's compartment.


Everyone has arrived to Hogwarts and all the second to seventh year students are all in the Great Hall talking amongst themselves.

None of us sit in the big square, we sit in various tables in the center of the square.

Like every year I look up at the table of professors looking over the students and I smile at the sight of the ones I know.

As everyone knows, McGonagall is the Transfiguration professor, but of course, she is with the first years.

The Charms professor is still Professor Flitwick, although I have heard he is thinking about retiring very soon.

The Potions professor is none other than my father, Professor Malfoy, which isn't surprising since he excelled in the class and his godfather was Snape, a previous Potions professor. And while he was an Auror for a few years, he told us that he wished he decided to become a professor earlier.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is Harry Potter, well Professor Potter. He was an Auror for a little over five years but he decided to leave and become what I think he should've been the whole time, he led Dumbledore's Army and was very good at it anyway.

The Astronomy professor is still Professor Sinistra like it was while my parents were here as students.

The Herbology professor is, of course, Neville, also known as Professor Longbottom.

The Flying professor is still Madam Hooch, and she is, of course, still the ref for quidditch.

The History of Magic professor is still Professor Binns. I'm starting to wonder if the kids I'll have will have him as a professor as well.

The Arithmancy professor is still Professor Vector.

The Care of Magical Creatures professor isn't Hagrid as you may think. Nope, Hagrid is still Keeper of Keys, but Charlie Weasley has taken his place as the professor. And while he tries not to, he treats his nieces, nephews, and other children in our friend group differently.

The Divination professor is still Professor Trelawney.

There are a few other professors up on the stage but I don't know who they are, not because they're new, it's because they teach electives that I never chose.

After around fifteen more minutes, the big doors of the Great Hall swing open and McGonagall leads a little over a hundred first years into the room.

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