Chapter 19

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It's about twenty minutes later when I am able to meet up with Scorp, Addie, and Alex again.

"Congrats, Cara! You're in first place!" Alex exclaims.

"I've tied for first place actually," I say.

"No, Sadie has seven total points, Rosalina and Stefan both have eleven total points, and you have twelve total points! You're in first place!" Addie replies.

I do the math in my head and my eyes go wide, "Oh my God I'm in first place!" 

We all celebrate for a while before Rosie and Nick come over to us.

"Congrats, Cait," Rose said with a genuine smile.

"Thanks, Rosie. It's definitely close, anyone could win." I reply.

She nods and walks away leaving her twin standing pretty awkwardly in front of us.

"Good job, Cait. Thanks for getting me out of that lake," he says as he shifts his balance from each foot to the other.

Addie and Alex shoot their heads in my direction, they didn't know he was the one I had to get.

"No problem, Nick," I say with a smile towards him and a glare towards the three people behind me.

Alex and Addie start giggling uncontrollably and I just roll my eyes before hitting them both over the head.

We talk to each other for a while until I hear the dreadful pop behind me.

I put my hand in the pocket with my wand before turning around to see Rita standing there with her goons once again.

"Merlin, Rita. Are you going to bother me after every task?" I ask.

"Well, my dear, you are my little caracal. Why wouldn't I want to talk to you?" she says with a smirk.

"First of all, don't call me yours. Second of all, can we just get this over with?"

She smirks, "Of course. I would like to have a talk with Mr. Robinson though," she says as she takes a step towards Nick.

I growl and step in front of Nick, "You can talk to me, and me only. So, what are your questions?"


Shut it.

Scorp laughs and he steps away doing who knows what and Rita just smiles at me.

"I just wanted to ask him about your relationship."

I groan and roll my eyes, "Rita I already told you we aren't in a relationship. How long are you going to keep this going?"

"As long it takes for you to explain this photo," she says before one of her goons gives me a small photo.

I look at it closer and it's a picture of when Nick and I were asleep under the tree before the task.

"You're such a creep, Skeeter! Taking photos of minors on school grounds?" I snap as I hand the photo to Nick, who hasn't moved from behind me.

"There's no evidence of me taking the photo. Who knows, it could be from an anonymous source," she says with the smirk that has haunted me for years.

"Yeah right. I sincerely suggest you leave now. Before you have to be escorted out again."

Get Dad here now.

On it.

"Caitlin, darling, I just want a story. And you two are a good one."

"And how's that?" Nick snaps.

I quickly look back at him and smile just a little bit to try and calm him down but I doubt it worked.

"Well, that little outburst is part of it. You two are close, anyone can tell. Caitlin, you had Nickolas be your partner to the Yule Ball. There are plenty of pictures out there of you hugging. I've been told that Nick has covered you in blankets multiple times, Caitlin as you slept. Also, Nick was who you had to retrieve, Ms. Malfoy. I'm surprised you aren't together my dear."

I didn't have any reaction. I just smiled at her, took the photo back from Nick, and ripped it up. Easy as that.

I heard a pop behind me and I smiled as Dad and Uncle Blaise escorted Rita and her goons away and out of the school.

Once I knew she was completely gone, I sighed and sat down on the ground.

"You okay, Cait?" Scorp asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Rita can just be so tiring sometimes." I reply as I put my head in my hands.

"I actually have a few questions," Alex announces.

"So do I," Addie adds.

I groan and look up at them, "What?"

"No not for you, Cait. For Nick." Addie says with a smirk.

My eyes go wide and my head shoots back towards Nick where I see him acting like a deer in headlights.

"Uhhh...Okay...What's up?" Nick asks cautiously.

"First off, what exactly was the picture of that Caitlin ripped up?" Alex asks.

"Which one?" I ask with a groan.

"Wait, what? What are you talking about 'which one'?" Addie asks.

"I also ripped up a picture of Nick and I hugging after winning our first quidditch match that Rita had shown me. But you can ask him about the other one if you want," I simply reply.

They are all speechless for a second but then Addie puts her attention back to Nick.

"Well, you heard her. What was the photo of today?" she asks.

"It was a picture of me and Cait asleep under a tree by the Black Lake..." he quietly replies.

"Wait when did that happen?" Alex asks.

"Today," Nick and I say at the same time.

"Okay then," Addie shakes her head in slight disbilief, "Alright, next question. What did Skeeter mean that you put blankets over Cara?"

My eyes went wide and I looked at Nick, "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DID THAT?!"


I laugh a little and shake my head before putting my head back in my knees.

"I got a question," Scorp announces.

All of us look at him curiously but then I hear what he is going to ask as he thinks about it.

"Scorpion don't you-"

"Nick do you like my twin?"

He kind of blanks out for a little while and then all of the sudden he is more mad than when Ron found out Mom was a Zabini. 


All of us are completely silent and we all just look at him with our eyes wide.

"Nicky...?" I say quietly.

His eyes go wide and he shakes his head slightly before running off.

"What in the name of Merlin was that?!" Alex exclaims.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out."

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