Chapter 21

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It's a few hours later and I am in the girls changing rooms with about half my team while getting in our gear.

"So, Cait, how are you and my twin doing?" Rosie asks with a sly smirk on her face.

I laugh and shake my head, "We're doing good."

She smiles, "Good."

"C'mon you two! It's time for the entrance laps!" Daph exclaims before summoning her broom and standing by the exit.

I smile and run over to her, "Alright everyone! Let's do this!"

They all cheer and we mount our brooms before flying out of the changing rooms.

"Please welcome the Slytherins! Hogwarts' current reigning champion!" 

There is cheering around the pitch and I just smile as I lead the team along with Scorp in the few beginning laps around the pitch before flying lower to the side.

"Alright, you guys, another quidditch match. We got this! You already know what to do. Alpha seven!"

They all cheer and we separate to our places. Alpha seven is one of the many code names for our specific plays that I have made up.

For the moment, Rosie stays on the sidelines with Alex while the rest of us are playing.

Rosie is basically our secret weapon, she can play as any position. So, if someone gets injured, she's ready to replaced them. But no one outside of the team knows she is actually a seeker.

I have worked with her the most out of anyone else. And I'm not gonna lie, she's better than Scorp. Only by a little bit, but she is better. She could finish the match before it even starts.

Anyways, I'm supposed to be talking about the match I'm playing at the moment.

Once Madam Hooch tossed the quaffle everything immediately started happening.

Scorp and Molly zoomed away as fast as possible to look for the snitch while Jane got her hands on the quaffle first.

She zoomed off with the two teams close behind her and eventually Lily got it from her.

I flew towards Lily with Jane and Nick right behind me and Daph and Al keeping the bludgers from hitting us to our downfall.

I could see Jacob getting ready to block whichever goalpost Lily was aiming for but before she could throw the quaffle I was able to fly in front of her and catch it.

I flew down as fast as possible and then suddenly went straight forward until I was about halfway to the other side of the pitch.

It's pretty hard to explain how it happened, but I was able to score.

After about half an hour, give or take a few minutes, the score was pretty close, with Slytherin having seventy points and Ravenclaw having sixty.

Any luck?

Nope, but I don't think Molly is having any luck either.

Let's keep it that way.

I see Nick get the quaffle from Hugo and I see him look right at me.

I smirk and mouth Beta twelve. He nods and initiates the play. The ball ends up in Jane's hands after Nick drops it from above her and she ends up getting us ten more points.

"Ten points to Slytherin!"

I cheer to us in my head and I follow Lily who has ended up with the quaffle.

"C' mon, guys..." I mumble to myself.

To my surprise, Jacob and Daph work together to hit one of the two bludgers towards Lily, hitting the back of her broom and making her lose grip of the quaffle, as well as making me be able to get the quaffle.

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