Chapter 10

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The other champions and I watched Stefan in silence.

While he may have gotten the same dragon as Fleur, he used Viktor's technique. He used his wand and cast a blinding curse on the dragon to distract it, but just like for Krum, the dragon destroyed some of her actual eggs.

Stefan ended up getting three points, he lost the strategy and damage points.

Rosalina was next.

She had the same dragon as Cedric, which gave her and end with Harry considering the relationship between them. She ended up using a similar technique to Fleur's, but not exactly the same.

Within the few weeks, that I have known Rosalina, I have learned that she has made up simple songs with magic effects.

She sings one of the songs and the dragon stays in a peaceful state. Smoke blows out of its nose every time in exhales which causes her to have to be very careful, as the smoke would easily ignite her robes.

She continues to sing her song and she finally grabs her golden egg after a little over seven minutes.

She gets a score of four, she was a little too slow for the judges liking apparently.

It's then Sadie's turn. 

She has the same dragon as Krum, which gives her an edge with him, and since she's from the same school as Fleur she has an edge with her as well.

She uses something familiar to Cedric's strategy, meaning she used her wand to transfigure nearby rocks into animals. 

The dragon took the bait, but when Sadie was only ten feet from the safe zone, the dragon focused on her again and she got majorly burnt on her calf and arm.

She ended up getting a score of four since she got burnt.

Now, it's my turn.

As I walk into the arena I look over at Harry who has wide eyes. I could tell he was worried about the fact that I had the same, dangerous, dragon as he did.

I decide not to use the strategy of any past champions. Instead, I do it my way.

I decided to let my secret known to the world.

I close my eyes and once I open them I am in my animagus form. Since I am a caracal I run at my top speed, fifty miles an hour, and once I get to the dragon I detransform and I cast a sleeping spell on the dragon before taking the egg. I sprint over to the safe zone as fast as possible and I finish my first task within five minutes.

Everyone cheers when they see I got a score of five points.

I smile and head back to the tents which the other champions are in and they congratulate me until we hear a pop behind us.

I look over to where the sound came from and I growl at the person who apparated in.

"Why hello dears!"

"What do you want Rita?" I ask with a snap to my voice.

The other champions are glaring at her at the same time and she acts as if we are crazy.

"Now why are you looking at me like that? Do I have a hair out of place?" she acts as she theatrically smooths her hair down.

"Just tell us what you want," Rosalina growls.

"Why I just want a statement from this year's champions, specifically our little caracal here," she says with a smile.

"I'm not giving you any statement. So I suggest you get out of here before I have you escorted out." I say with a strong glare.

"You don't have the power to make me leave," she says with a smirk.

"Wanna bet?"

I take out my wand and do the wand movements I know far too well.

"Expecto patronum."

The white whispy caracal flows from my wand and I tell the recipient to come to the tents and I send the animal to my dad.

I put my wand back into my pocket before looking back up at Rita.

"You have less than ten seconds to leave before my dad and whoever he brings escorts you out. Which would you rather have?" I ask with an innocent smile.


I hear a pop come from behind me and I smile wide when my father comes into my line of view with my mother as well.

"Let's go, Rita," Dad says as she loops an arm around hers and guides her to the door.

"Get your hands off me! I'll go to the ministry! Imagine the headlines! Daughter of Draco Malfoy and the Lost Zabini is an unregistered animagus! Imagine! I wonder if her little friends are as well!" she says trying to make us say something we would regret.

But we won't do it. We have dealt with her more times than we can count. 

Minnie eventually walks in and smiles at us champions, "Congratulations you four, you have completed your first task. As you know you had points, Caitlin you are in first place at the moment, Rosalina and Sadie you are tied in second, and Stefan you are in third. But don't worry, you can still bring your points up. Now as you know the golden egg will help you prepare for your next task. But, you already know what the task is so you don't really need to use them. Anyways, you are dismissed to do what you please."

We thank her and we all leave and head back to the castle.


It's a week later at dinner when McGonagall makes the announcement for the Yule Ball.

"Do we really have to go through dance lessons with Dad for the ball?" Scorp groans.

"I'm sure Minnie will make arrangements for those who know how to dance to do something else during the time, but right now I have to decide when the Hogsmeade trip will be," I reply before grabbing a notebook and starting to write down ideas.

"That's easy, December twentieth. It's also a chance for people to buy Christmas gifts." Scorp replies simply.

"You are a genius. Thanks, Scorp. I'll have Minnie announce it tomorrow night."

He nods, "I try."

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