What's Be More Chill?

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This is just an introduction chapter

"Micha, come on! We're gonna be late!" Jeremy yelled from the living room of his boyfriends house. Him, Michael, and the others are going to the movies today. They've been planning this for quite a while. They can't remember the last time they all hung out as a group and not like just three of them or something.

Surprisingly, it's not awkward at all for Jeremy and Christine to hang out together, considering they're ex's. You see, they dated for around a month after the SQUIP incident before they mutually broke up as Christine realised she was Aromantic Asexual and Jeremy realised he was Bisexual and in love with Michael. Since then, they've been best friends. Christine recently told them she realised she's Agender.


Jeremy confessed to Michael about two weeks later, with the help of the rest of them, and Michael confessed he felt the same way, and now they've been dating for nearly a month.

But, they haven't said their first 'i love you' to each other yet. So today at the movies, Jeremy is planning to say it. He told the group beforehand and they all agreed to help him and calm his nerves.

Brooke and Chloe have been together for around two months and they are as lovey dovey as ever. Rich and Jake have been together for around the same time as Boyf Riends but have already said their first 'i love you' to each other.

Christine and Jenna are the only two of the group that aren't dating. They both don't have crushes and everyone is cool with it and are just glad that they're happy.

"Yeah yeah Jer, I'm coming!" Michael yelled back, walking down the stairs.

Jeremy had come over to his boyfriends house to pick him up, only to be met with a panting Michael trying to get ready faster. Jeremy chuckled at the memories from a couple minutes ago.

The smallest of the two stumbled down the stairs and into Jeremy, blushing widely. Jeremy smiled and helped him up.

"Come on, let's go! Everyone told me that they're already there, dork!" Jeremy said, pulling Michael to the door.

The said dork huffed in annoyance and replied quietly, "I'm not a dork."

Jeremy still heard it. He looked back and smirked, "You're my dork!" Michael let out a squeak and blushed widely. The Filipino pushed Jeremy out the door, following right after.

Brooke tapped her foot on the ground repeatedly, getting annoyed. "They should be here by now!" She growled.

Chloe came over and put a hand on her shoulder, "Babe, calm down, they might just be stuck in traffic." She said quietly, looking around. No one wants to see an angry Brooke now, do they?

A few minutes later, they heard a screech followed by a loud crash. The group turned around and saw that Jeremy's car had knocked over a bin, the rubbish spilling everywhere.

The car backed up into a parking space. The duo made their way out of the car laughing.

"Dude, that was awesome. We have to do that again!" Michael laughed out.

Jeremy laughed and grabbed Michael's hand, interlacing their fingers, "Yeah! Let's do that on our way back to my trash can!" He managed to say.

The boys caught Brooke's glare and gulped. Jeremy leaned down to Michael's ear and whispered, "Looks like someone's on their period~" Michael blushed 'cause of the closeness but laughed at what the taller boy had said.

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