That was Be More Chill.

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The group claps as the screen goes dark.

Everyone got up to stretch their legs, Jade and Issie went round cleaning up. After about ten minutes, they were done. "So," Jade starts. "What'd you think?" They smiled when they received positive mumbles of response from the group.

"We'll let you guys go watch Jumanji now." Issie awkwardly laughed.

"Wait," Rich started. "It wath actually thhowing today?"

Jade walked out of the back room with their actual cinema tickets, "Yeah, we just changed your timings..." They walked down the steps and handed them to Jeremy. "Sorry." He just laughed. Issie presses the red button on the remote and a loud noise was heard before the door opened and light entered the room, making the group squint. "Have fun!" Jade said waving. Issie ran down the steps, waving also.

"Bye!" Christine said, running out the room. Michael walked so far then stopped and turned to Jade and Issie.

"Which screen is it?" He asked.

Jade laughed, "Nine. Upstairs." He smiled and nodded, waving at them, before running to his boyfriend and grabbing his hand; Jeremy interlocking their fingers. The hosts smiled at each other.

Goodbye squipsqaud...

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