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Day 43 since the mountain erruption. Our place is still closed and still not safe to enter so we still have to stay at Lisa. Thankfully we found someone who will accept us and felt home with us.

This day is the day I've been thinking about that gave me sleepless night. Cause this day, her mom will arrive to meet us. She's aware that her daughter is loving with some strangers but in a spam of a month and 12 days, I think being strangers is far from now.

Mom and Ella became really close to Lisa like her own family. They act like a really blood related. And us? I don't know what really are. We became close and mom is aware of that. We act like couples but we never do that thing. You know like what really couple's do? Yeah that thing! We kissed most of the time and that's the farthest intimate act we've done. Lisa knows how to limit herself. If we are getting to sexual, she will stops. Slowly not all of a sudden stop.

She will make sure that if she stops, it will leave me no pain or hurt which I definitely understand. We almost do it actually but then we realized it's not yet the time. We need to realize and make sure of our feelings and I still questioning what label are we now? Sigh*

I love Lisa. No doubt about that and she admits she loves me too. But I don't know what's holding her back to commit. Don't get us wrong. We act like a couple but we don't have any labels. I'm still waiting for her and hoping it will come soon.

I can't ask her straight cause it might question herself too that will make us awkward to each other. I love the way me and Lisa together. I love what we are doing and Lisa makes sure that she will never give me a reason to get jealous or to untrust her. She is the best gentlewoman I know. The most caring, loving and sweetest . Did I mention hot? Yes she's hot. Gorgeous? Everyone knows that.

But I love everything about her even her past. I love how she stays quiet when she's mad and how she let me burst out when I'm the one who's mad then she will just listen to my rants then she will wrap her arms behind me from behind after then say her sorry .

I also love her possessiveness when we are going out together or with our friends when she clings her arm around my shoulder or waist just to tell them I'm hers. And how she let me claim her as well when girls around her starts to flirt at her.

Everything about her is perfect. And it will be perfect between us if the word "us" will finally come in real time.

"Jennie? You're spacing out are you okay?" Lisa asked. She just arrived to check out the cafe and I didn't feel it when she sits beside me.
She kissed my temple and wrap her right arm on my back.

"Wanna go home?" She asks pouting.
"You know how I love being here with you baby" I cupped her cheeks cause I know she's thinking about it again. It makes her sad everytime she thinks I wanna go home.

I gave her a peck kiss on her lips that made her smile for seconds.

"What are you thinking now?" She added while rubs my back.

"I'm just thinking about your mom arriving later" I lied. I can't tell her that I've been thinking to out a label for us. I don't want to pressure her if she's not ready.

"Why what's that?" She asks again. I lowered my head and hands and fidgets my fingers together. Lisa noticed it and she used her two hands to holds mine.

"Is something bothers you? Mom is great if you've been thinking if she will gets mad because you, auntie and Ella are here" she sounds worried.

"No. It's just that..." I sigh then look at her straight into her eyes. This time, I'm the one who holds her.

"I'm going to be honest with you baby please don't get be mad or pressured" I started. I can't lie to her. I know I said that it's not the time to tell her but I can't stand a minute lying to her. she nods.

"Honestly, I've been thinking about us" her eyes widen. Is she ready for us?

"I'm not demanding. I love you you know that right?" She nods slowly.
"I love this. I love how we act towards each other. How you treat me like a queen. How you love my family but" I stop a bit to sigh but I can't read her expressions.

"But?" She asks and I sigh again as frustrations building up inside me. I run my hands on my hair and bite my nail.

"But what love? I'm getting worried" she arrange her sit to get closer to me and holds my hand again.

"What are we Lisa?" I saw her taken aback from my question.

"I mean I'm not sure about us I mean. I'm sure I love you and I'm quite sure you love me too I can feel it and you even tell me you love me but --" Lisa didn't let me finish me.
Her lips landed to mine then she pull away.

"Is that can make you calm now?"she asked then I sigh and lean my head's in her neck as she runs her hand at my back. My favorite position with her.

"I love you Jennie. You know that right?" She asks then I nod. To be honest I'm nervous right now. Is she gonna decline me or arrrg!

I got shocked when she started laughing.

"Ehh! Why are you laughing? I'm serious baby" I said while pouting then bring my head to lean again.

"I'm just can't believe this. All this time, cuddling, hugging and kissing like a couple, you will just ask me what are we? I can't believe you Jennie Kim I thought you're smart enough to realize things" she chuckle and shake her head.

"Just clarify things to me that's what I need Lisa please" I wrap my arms around her waist.

"You don't need to clarify things with me Jennie cause all this time I thought we're already married" she laughs.

I lift my head up then slap her shoulder.
"Yah! You never proposed!" I said blushing

"Do I need to do it tho?" She laughs again as I can't stop smiling. She stops laughing and cupped my pouting face.

"I love you Jennie. So much. And all I know is that I'm yours.. only yours and you are only mine..And I can't lose you.. and to make it official that will makes you clear your head.. will you be my girlfriend Jennie?"

My eyes watered. This is it. This is what I've been waiting for. I nod as my tears starts to roll down. She smile. Her genuine smile and I can't help but to kissed her and hug her.

"I love you too so much Lisa. I love you. I love you. I love you"

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