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"good morning auntie" I greeted as soon as I went down the stairs. It's been a week since we got Kuma on Dahyun's house and seen her with my ex-girlfriend.

"Oh she went to the girls unit she didn't told you?" I nodded from her response.

"It's okay auntie I'll just wait for her.. good morning Baby Ella" I kissed her cheeks.

"Good morning Unnie" she answered.

A bark from my son caught my attention.
"I know son. And good morning to" I approached him to the living room. I sit on the couch and Kuma run to me and jump on top of my lap after I tap myself and he obeyed.

"Good boy!" I said when he lay down his body on me.

"Wanna go for a walk with Daddy?" I asked him and he just stare at me. We were about to get up when the door opens.

"And where do you think you're going?" My girlfriend asked when she saw me carrying Kuma approaching the door where she got in.

"I just thought you will come late on breakfast since you're with the girls so I decided for a walk with our son" I said casually and gave her a peck kiss on her lips.

"Well I'm here now. You done eating?" She asked again but I pouted then shake my head to answer.

"I thought so.. let's eat first and we will talk about something with Mom after" My brows raised up but I let slide and I guess I'll wait later then follow her to the kitchen.

"How bout Kuma? Should I get him food and milk?" I asked Jennie.

"No I already did that" she answers while placing plates for us. I noticed her mom and Ella is not in the dining anymore and maybe they went upstairs again.

Jennie tap the chair beside her for me to sit.
"Can we talk about it now? Cause your actions kinda freaking me out" I said while looking at her.

She just smile and continue putting some foods on my plate.

"Eat Manoban we need to get ready before lunch" since the whole week Jennie's actions towards me questioned myself on what I have done again. Every other day, she will go somewhere with the girls especially Irene without telling me. I will woke up and she's already gone.

"Jennie.." I saw her eyes frowned.

"Now it's only Jennie?" She asked sarcastically putting her utensils down and looks at me.

"I'm sorry" I said in a low tone while looking down. I don't have the appetite to eat with this interactions. She's hiding something from me. And it freaks me out but if she can't tell me now, I might go insane.

"Don't think negative Lisa it will only make you insane." she said coldly and stood up from her seat and left going upstairs. Since the day my mom left, we shared room cause her mom trust me and she know how I respect Jennie's virginity.

I let out a long sigh and look at her plate. At least she managed to finish her food but I can't eat now especially when she left me. I stood up from my seat without cleaning it. I decided to check my cafe' but I run myself up the stairs to let Jennie know where I'm heading to.

I peek on Auntie and Ella's door which is slightly open to look if Jennie is in there but I saw them packing things that makes me feel nervous. I know that the mountain is calm now and in a week from now, they can go back to their homes and live a normal life again. But it's still a week. 7 days to be exact. Why are they packing things early?

As I pull the door of my shared room with Jennie to open I saw her packing her clothes too inside her luggage. Some scattered around our bed. My heart drops from what I see and my eyes got blurred.

I locked the door behind me and run to her as soon that my eyes met hers. I hug her from behind kneeling down while crying.

"Please I'm sorry. Forgive me please. Don't go home you still have a week here right?please don't leave me now.." I felt her body stiffens a bit then she turn around to face me.

"What are you saying?" She chuckles and cupped my face. She wipes my tears as I look at her confused.

"Why are you all p-packing?" I said stuttering then pouted.

"Don't do that or I'll bite your lips" she said as I pouted more.

"I told you we were going somewhere so stand up and pack your things too" she give me a peck on the lips and wipe again the left tears that drops.

"Where are we going? And why did you left me on the table?" I asked then stood up and sit beside her

"Cause you're thinking negative about me and I'm not in the mood to argue you even called me Jennie! You always do that when you think that something's not right. You didn't eat did you?" She asked then I nod.

"Then go back there and I will pack your stuff when I'm done." She turn her body to her luggage again and I wrap again my hands on her waist.

"Where are we going Love? Answer me please" I put my head on her shoulder and she kissed my temple.

"I will tell you everything. Just trust me now please? You need to eat first. Then I will tell you after" she let out a kiss again on my temple.

"Can you be my breakfast?" I asked while my head still resting on her shoulder.

I look up to her and saw her blushing. I smirk from the sight then I pull her by her shoulders to face me.

"Please?" I begged in a cute way that she can't resist. I saw her eyes glancing at me then to my lips and to me again and lip bite.

"L-lisa we need to hurry n---" before she even finish her sentence, I smashed my lips on her that made her shocked for a second but when I pull her up by lifting her ass, she quickly wrap her legs around my torso and respond to my kisses. I settle us to a relaxing position as my back is leaning on the headboard of our bed.

Our soft kissed turns into a hot make out hearing our soft moans and fighting lips from this passionate kiss.

"Mmm.. Lisa" she moaned and starts her hips to grind on me while sitting on my lap.

"Y-yes baby?" I said in between kisses. She starts to kiss my jaw, down to my neck but not to hard avoiding to leave a mark. Her kisses around my neck, while my hands roaming inside her shirt. As soon as my hands finds its way to her back, I snap off her bra.

"Take it off from me"

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