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"But how about the cafe Lisa?" Rose' suddenly asked then she covered her mouth when Lisa widen her eyes at her.

They are hiding something.

"Is there a problem with the cafe?" I asked and saw Rose' mouthed 'sorry' at Lisa.

"Love?" I asked Lisa waiting for her to answer and she slowly turn her gaze around me.

"It's a surprise actually but since Rose' spill it, I think you deserve to know but let us finish our food shall we?" I just stared at her and didn't answer as confusion strikes me and I unintentionally bfurrowes my eyebrows at her.

"Please?" She pleaded and gave my hand a squeezed.
"Spill now before I will drag my luggage away from here Manoban! We're not still in Thailand yet you are hiding things from me?! If Rose' didn't accidentally spill a --" Lisa cut me off by a kiss on the lips.

"What the--" she cut me again by kissing. I am resisting but got melt by her warm embrace and hot kiss.

"I know that will make you shut up" She said and I quickly push her and she chuckled.

"It's not what you think love. Hear me out okay?" She started as she wrap her arms around my waist while pouting. Doing her cute act that makes me blush instantly.

I little punch her chest twice and bit my lips to stop myself from blushing. She took a paper behind her pocket and gave it to me. She pull away and grab my wrist and drag me to the couch making me sit on her lap.

"Open it love" she commands that made me furrowed my eyebrows.

I slowly open the paper and read it carefully then I got shocked.

"Wh-what?!" I asked and look at my girlfriend with her face buried on my chest and arms around me.

"What do you mean what?" She asked lazily still closing her eyes.

"Did you just put the cafe under my name?! Why?!" I asked in confusion. I didn't know how to react this time. She furrowed her eyebrows and look at me with a sleepy eyes. I tap her cheeks to wake her up before she fell asleep.

"Explain to me first then we will take a nap please I'm getting confused" I demand.

She pouted cutely again and sigh.

"Yeah. I transfer my cafe' under your name cause I thought I will go back in Thailand alone and I have some businesses to look after there and I'm afraid that I can't look after the cafe' so I transfer everything under you and you deserve it for being the best girlfriend in the world" I blushed from her statement and pouted too.

"But it's your own cafe'. You strive hard to get it" I wrap my hand around her neck as I started to resist her offer.

" What's mine is yours Love. And since you and our son will come with me in Thailand, the we will transfer the cafe' under your mom or Ella's name. Your choice baby" She peck my lips

"It's too much Love. Your father already gave me some of your businesses then this?" I sigh and fall my head on the crook of her neck.

"Please let me or I will let the cafe closed since there's no one will look after it" she said sadly.

"Is that a threat Lisa?" I asked arching one brow at her that made her gulp and made her mouth in thin line.

"Just kidding love. Okay then let's just focus on our study first in Thailand, I asked Mom to arrange my papers for a transfer then we will start to arrange yours tomorrow okay? Then after we graduated, we will focused on your businesses " I said.

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