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It's been years. I don't know how long since me and Lisa broke up. I hurt her that's all matters to me. Her looks when she saw me kissing Junhoe. I didn't mean to but I need her to witnessed that to let me go cause I will just hurt her. My father didn't approved what relationship I had with Lisa. It's not about the sexual preference. It's all about dad and his rivalry against the Manobans and to be exact to Mr. Marco Manoban. Lisa's father. Our restaurants and their restaurants were racing to top around Thailand that time.

But unluckily, Lisa's dad was much better and smarter to surpassed our restaurant's ranking. Lisa didn't know anything about that. But when my parents knew that I'm dating Marco's one and only heiress, Lisa. He get in between us and will do anything to ruin our relationship.

I love Lisa so much. I know she felt that. But knowing her struggles from her dad, I don't have the guts to tell her about the problem I am facing with our relationship. In short, I faced it alone. We keep our relationship for years until the day that I can't take it anymore because of my dad's threats to Lisa. I know he was the one who texted Lisa using an unknown number just to gave her death threats.

I've been stressed, depressed and worried so much about her that I ended up breaking her heart that I least want to do.
I texted her to pick me up and when Junhoe saw her car, entering the parking area where we were, he immediately kissed me which was planned. My back facing Lisa's car where I know she was inside. I'm in tears while doing the scene. Junhoe is my bestfriend and I asked him the favor which he agreed.

After years of thinking of her and everything happened, I know she will not forgive me for what I've done. I've heard she migrated to New Zealand a week after we broke up that makes my heart shutters more.

She blocked me all on her social medias and even on her phone. I don't know her whereabouts at all. I'm in my 3rd year college now and 1 more year to graduate. My dad died last year because of heart attack and my mom died while giving birth to me so the restaurants left is now my own since I'm the only child but I'm still a student so my father's bestfriend took over the restaurant until I graduate.

While the news about the mountain erruption in New Zealand, my worries started to get back again, we are now in the middle of class vacation so I decided to visit Dahyun for a week and make my time to find my Lisa and promise myself to get back her in my arms again.

But it's too late.

"This is Jennie, my girlfriend" she said with her eyes sparkles from it. That eyes that I used to see when she tells me "I love you", when she stares into my eyes. Those brown die eyes that sparkles only by the thought of me is now sparkling to someone and it's not me anymore.

I'm in the verge of crying. I want to run to her and hug her and tell her I love her still but I'm not in the position to do it. She has Jennie now and I can see that she's happy. I'm not going to move forward but I can still wait I guess.

"So how did you make friends with Dahyun?" Jennie asked me straight to the point.

"We just met in Thailand one summer vacation and we clicked!" I said while my eyes keepers glancing between Jennie and Lisa.

It hurts me to see Lisa doing the things she used to do with me. How she caressed Jennie's back when talking. How she stares at her smiling. How she placed a quick kiss on her temple all of a sudden. Everything reminded me the things I let go because of me being a coward.

I want to stand up and run away. I want to shout and tell them I'm hurting but it will never erase the fact that I'm too late for that. Even I'm hurting from the sight, I still managed to compose myself and let out a calm actions towards them.

Wishing I can turn back time.


I keep glancing from the window of the car and to Lisa. My eyes keep turning left and right and I know something keeps bugging Lisa since we get out of my cousin's house and drove away.

I counted her deep sighs. 8 times. She keeps on biting her lips then let out a deep sigh again for the 9th times as she focused her eyes on the road.

My heart is pounding. I want to ask her for what she keeps on thinking but I'm afraid that the reality of her answer will hit me. Does she regret having me when she saw her ex girlfriend? Does she want her back? Is breaking up with me is on the line now?

I wipe the tear that escaped from my eyes as I stare on the highway we are approaching. I saw the car heading sideways while slowly stopping.

I got flinched when I turn my head to Lisa's side when she pull me for a hug. And it started. I cried out , broke down from her hug releasing the scared feeling I'm having since we start hitting the road. I'm scared. I'm frightened because of the feeling that I might lose her and face the fact that she still loves her ex-girlfriend.

"I hate it when your quiet please tell me what's wrong" she pull away while her hand holds mine and looks at me straight to the eyes.

She wipes my tears with one hand and stay on my cheeks rubbing with her thumb.

"Did I do something wrong? Did I make you hurt? Di I make you jealous? Tell me love.. this silence creeping me out" she added.

"I-i- I don't know Lisa. Hearing your constant deep sighs makes me imagine things that hurt my feelings" I said with my voice cracked.

"H-how? Like what?" She asked.

"I'm thinking that you...you regret becoming my girlfriend when you saw her. That you realized that you still...love her" I cried again..

"I'm afraid you might leave me for her.. I can't.. I don't ... I can't " I cried again.

"You're thinking too much Love" she said while wiping again my tears with her both hands.

"Come here" she open her arms wide for me hug her which I obliged and burried my fave on her neck.

"Don't you ever think that way again okay? Just trust my love for you. No one can take you away from me.. you're the only one for me.. you and Kuma is my future now love. Hush now.. leaving you is the worst thing that I will never think" Lisa said while staring to me and gave me a long peck kiss before pulling away.

"Don't ever think that way again okay? Thinking my days without you kills me so you don't have any other option but to stick with my irritable cuteness" I chuckle and hug her for the last time before she drive away going back home.

Our home.

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