Chapter 1

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Todoroki's POV
Ding. Ding. Ding.

"Ugh," I sighed as I woke up to the morning bell. Knock. Knock. I hear on my door. "Come in." I replied to the knocks. My door opened, revealing who was behind it. "Your majesty." My sister Fuyumi said in a playful tone. "Ya ya, I know." I replied back with a slight smile on my face. Fuyumi closed my door, and I could hear her footsteps growing farther away. I get up from bed and walk over to my dresser. Time for breakfast with the Bakugou's, I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

After getting dressed I walked down the halls of castle, seeing each frimiler painting hanging on the wall. As I continued my journey, I spotted a small green haired stature in the next corridor over from where I was walking. I couldn't help but stare for a second. I wonder where he's from, I thought as continued down the hallway.

Clinck. Clink. My father, Ennji Todoroki, sounded with his glass about half way through our meal. After all attention was brought to him he began to talk. "I'm glad you could make it, nothing says wealth with like a meal between nobles. Because of Shoto's crowned prince coronation that will take place tomorrow, I believe the Bakugou's have brought a gift." I narrowed my eyes at jester, I already have everything I want so what could these nobles have to offer me. Katsuki Bakugou let out a fierce and loud clap. On command, the same small green haired boy came out from the kitchen carrying a golden vase. "I present to you, a vase of the finest gold found in any of the mines as far as the eye can see. "I want him." I said, unhesitantly. "Wh-wha?" The greenette stuttered, blushing just enough to be noticed. "Shoto!! That is ridiculous! They're presenting you with a vase of gold, and all you notice is a lowly servant!!" My father said in rage. The Bakugou's looked shocked at my sudden remark. "I said that's what I want. We can keep the vase too if you really want to." I replied, showing no emotion in my voice, nor expression. "I.... well,... ugh, you heard the boy.... we'll be taking the servant if you dont mind." My father stated, calming down just enough to sound rational. "But! Izuku Midoriya belongs to me!" Katsuki Bakugou spit out in pure anger. "And I, Ennji Todoroki, king of Endeavour, am the law, you will respect, and listen to me!" My father said, now intimidating the nobleman. "Now Katsuki, listen to the king." Masaru Bakugou professionally, and surprisingly calm, given the situation at hand, said. "AHHH. That nerd was supposed to work for ME!!!!" Katsuki bursted with rage. "KATSUKI BAKUGOU!!! YOU ARE IN NO PLACE TO TELL THE KING HOW HE SHOULD RULE HIS KINGDOM!!!" Mitsuki Bakugou yelled over her son's foolishness. You can't argue with the king, you'll lose no matter what. With that the Bakugou's dragged their son off back to their carriage for the ride back to their home.

That afternoon

I was in my bedroom preparing for tomorrow's speech, when I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I questioned, monotoned as usual. "Th-this is..... I mean I'm, no wait! I am-" before the small voice could finish I interrupted it with a, "Just come in." My voice slightly annoyed. As the door opened I saw the same small, green haired boy emerge from the door frame with a delicate tea tray. "I brought...... the-the tea." The greenette stated shyly. "Set it down over there." I replied, pointing to a small wooden table with two chairs. After the boy put the down the tea he opened his mouth but no words came out. I got up from my small wooden desk and walked over to the greenette. I put my finger against his still slightly opened lips. "You stutter alot." I said my voice just above a whisper, but still monotoned. "I-I ahh- sorry your majesty!" The frail boy replied. I took a step back. "There is no reason to be sorry, please have a seat." I mentioned, jestering over to the table. The greenette quickly walked over to the table, his head pointed downwards as he walked. I took a seat next to him, admiring his emerald eyes. "S-so your majesty.... what did you um need?" He began to ask. "What's you name." I say in response. "M-me.. I am um I-Izuku Midoriya." He replied. "Call me Todoroki." I say to the small boy. "Listen, I'm the prince, and usually when your of royal status people tend to see to your every need. I and right now I want you, Izuku Midoriya." I let out in my usual calm and collected voice. "Wha-WHAT!!" Midoriya responded. I guess it was a little to frank. I'm not that good at talking with people. "I want to build up a proper rappor with you." I told the shy shorty. "I-Iaaaah....."

Hello, this the author, I just wanted to ask if you saw anything that could do better on or should correct in the future, please let me know if you would like to see more of this story. [And also, before I forget, there is NO QUIRKS in this UA. Thank you for reading.💖💖 904 words

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