Chapter 9

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Todoroki's POV:
I... I can't believe it....

Third Person POV:
Later that day, as Todoroki was getting ready for bed, he still couldn't help but dwell on the fact that he'd been caught. If Bakugou said anything.....he'd most definitely be hanged. Even worse, Midoriya would also be sent to death. For the first time in his life, the prince couldn't get what he wanted. This feeling was unusual, and frightening. Todoroki was confused, and dumbfounded that all that had just happened. He couldn't believe that a noble such as Bakugou would have the audacity to dare and threaten the prince. But, in this situation, that was the least of his worries. Todoroki needed to find a way around Bakugou's threat. If didn't, he and Midoriya would be dead. And the worst part was, he only had two days to do so.

Midoriya's POV:
This is really bad. I thought to my self, curled up into a ball in the corner of small room. Kacchan....why? Now Todoroki would be dead because of me... And if not dead than certainly banished. What would the kingdom think if they found out the prince was engaging with filthy servants. Not only am I a servant, but I'm a Male. That's against the law...(it was against the law in Medieval times, no discrimination toward anyone, this is just a story). I can't let Todoroki suffer because of my foolishness. I know! A spark lit up inside my head, I'll go to the library. Kacchan may have seen us, but he has no witnesses, and no proof. This means if I do this exactly right we might find a way out.

After making it to the library, I walked into the law section. 'Same gender relationships', I picked up the book and flipped the table of contents. First off, I'll see how serious this is taken. I open to the punishment section and begin my reading. 'All crimes come with a proper punishment. None are to harsh. For those who think they are to brutal for use, are scared they too will punished. Those who do not wish to be punished should not commit a crime.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ harsh Medieval  punishments
Punishment for the topic of this book would be death by hang. Where the criminals would be hung up off the ground by their necks and choked to death.
The Rack, where the criminals are laid out on a table with chain on each of their arms and legs. These chains are then pulled until the criminals are stripped of their limbs.
The Spiked Chair, where the accused is placed on a chair of metal spikes that will cause pain and loss of blood until they are either dead, or given a statement to the king's liking.'

My eyebrows lifted and my jaw dropped in horror as I finished the section. How could such cruel punishments be given to people who were only falling in love like the rest of the world? I shook my head and closed my eyes, breaking my self out of my trance. I then fliped back to the table of contents. "Conviction." I read quietly to myself. I turned to the section when a certain part catches my eye 'In order to accuse one of this crime, you must have acquired two or more witnesses.' Yes! I thought to myself. This is perfect. A wave of relief fled over my body, and then I continued. 'How ever, if the king is to witness such a scene, the criminals will be executed as soon as possible, without trial.' The fear rushed back over me. I know my lord didn't see us but.....would he believe Bakugou over his own son? This question would eat away at me as long as Todoroki was at risk. I really didn't think Kacchan would do  something like this either. He can be really mean sometimes , but he's not that cruel. Oh well, no point in dueling on it I suppose. After that I take the book, leaving a note on the desk to let the librarian know were it went, and left for my room.

Todoroki's POV:
I opened my eyes after a short and uneasy nights rest. I was still terrified of what might happen to Midoriya. Even worse, Bakugou's room is on the way to the servant quarters, and if go down there he'll see me. Fear was eating at my heart, pulling me apart from the inside out. Then I heard a faint knock on my door. Hoping that it would be Midoriya, I walked over to door, composing myself as marched closer to my destination. I opened the door to see a spiky haired red head. This was very unexpected, I thought as he began to talk. "Hey! My name is Ejirou Kirishima, and I just wanted to ask if you could point me toward the servants quarters?" Kirishima said with shy smile. "If you don't mind my asking," I began, "What business do you have there?" I questioned, unsure if I had seen him or not before. "Well, you see, I'm a visitor, I'm Bakugou's personal servant and was just hoping to see my friend. He got sold here, or bought I should say." He replied. "Midoriya?" I asked, I didn't think anyone he knew would be coming along besides Bakugou. "Yeah, wait, you know him?" The servant sounded suprised and confused as to why the prince would want to know a servant personally. "Yes." I returned plainly. "Oh,.....can I get some directions now or?" He stated raising an eyebrow. He's got balls talking to the prince like we're best bros or something. "Straight down the left wing from Bakugou's room and down the stairs, just tell the supervisors that I gave you permission to visit Izuku Midoriya and you should be fine." "Wow thanks man!" Kirishima responded before walking away.

Hello it's been a couple of weeks hasn't it. If there is anything triggering in chapter let me know right away and I'll change the first chance I get! Let me know if anything is confusing or if there is an error in my writing style.💖

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