Extra #1 A Life of Sin

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Toya's POV:
It's cold. God it's so cold. I can't feel my toes.

"Toya? Were are you going? When are you coming back?"


"Soon ok."

No..... where'd I go? Why'd I leave him in that hell?


"Huh." I sucked the air back into my lungs, my head plunging forward as if I was underwater. I patted the space around me with my hands, trying to find anything farmiler. The cool grass brushed against my fingers. I blinked and looked around. To my left, I saw my my younger brother Nastuo sleeping peacefully beside me.

Oh right.

Flash Back

"Toya! As the oldest Todoroki son, the responsibility of becoming king falls onto your shoulders." My spat angrily. Every word that left his lips felt like venom. I could almost feel the poison coursing through my veins, and infecting my blood. "Yes sir." I replied quietly, studying my notes, not even making eye contact. "Here." The man called my father placed a fully decked out schedule for today on my desk. "I expect perfect attendance today." He retorted dryly walking walking away.

Sometimes, I just want a break. I barely get to see my siblings, and Fuyumi is getting sold into marriage in 5 years. I had to watch him come to an agreement. No else but me and her know. It'll be crushing on Sho and Natsuo when they have to say goodbye. She was basically a mother to them. She and the others are the only things keeping me alive.

I felt like I was about to pull the trigger. Every day I got closer. But then, I'd see Shoto, and Natsuo, and how hard Fuyumi was trying to keep them both happy. I could never leave them. But, it doesn't matter. My "father" never let's me see them. He says family's a distraction, the only reason they're here is to provide money, power, and insurance. If I were to die the kingdom would still have an air. It's kinda messed up for a father to plan for his son's death

"Get up!" My father's voice burns my ears as he kicked me on the ground. Combat training. I hate combat. I dont feel the need to fight with anyone, except this heartless bastard. So.eone should put me out of misery. But not yet. I haven't saved anyone. I have to get at least one of them out of here.

Flash Back End

"Toya?" I hear my brother's soft voice, laced with sleepiness. "You're awake?" I replied, I hope my nightmare didn't startle him, he ended up being the only one I could save after all. But there was a reason for that. "Are you ok?" The younger sat up, concern lacing through his tone. "Yeah, just remembering stuff."

How are you guys!! It's been awhile. If any of you saw my community post then you know I promised an extra at 10k. I really appreciate the support, and if anyone is still keeping up with this story, let me know if would like another one.💘🧡💚 I didnt proof read😭😭😱😖

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