Chapter 10

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Kirishima's POV:
Man these hallways are way to long... I thought to myself as I continued on my journey to see Midoriya. It's been way to long since I've had a proper conversation with the dude.  As I continued, lost in thought, I approached two guards standing in front of a doorway that looked like it led to a stair case. "Hult." One of them stated calmly as I tried to walk in. "Relax man, I'm only here to visit a friend." I responded, playful putting up my hands. The guards looked at me with annoyed, and confused eyes. "I'm sorry sir.... but only authorized personnel may enter." The other said. "But the prince told me I could!" I retorted, pouting my lips and crossing my arms. "Wait, his highness gave you permission?" The same guard said in a questioning tone. "Yes sir!," I replied, "He gave me directions and everything."  The guards then looked at each other and sighed. "Fine then..." one of them spoke, finally moving out of my way. "Thanks man!" I smiled and walked through the door.

"Yo!" I called out as I flung open the door labeled, 'Izuku Midoriya'. He was reading some book as he snapped up his head up to look at me. "K-Kiri!" He answered with a surprised smile and shoved the book under his blanket. "It's been way to long since I've seen that little broccoli head of yours." I stated with a giggle, walking into the room, and closing the door behind me. "Hey! I told you a million times that I'm NOT a broccoli!!" A small pout crept onto his face making me chuckle. "So.... how's the castle treating you these days ahh?." I said while playfully hitting his arm with my elbow. He looked down for just a second and then smiled back up at me saying, "Great! I love getting to explore new places!" His grin concerned me, I felt he was hiding something. I've known Izuku long enough to know when something's off with him. Even so, he doesn't do well under pressure and I hate it when he cracks. I wont make him tell me, it'll just make it worse. "That's awesome," I tell him, ruffling his hair, "A new adventure must be nice for you."

"Sure is, the pr-" "It's curfew, I'm sorry sir but no visitors after 10:00PM." Midoriya was interrupted by a guard. "But I told you, I have royal permission to be here." I glared at him. Midoriya then put his hand on my shoulder. "It's fine, you can always come by tomorrow. " he said with a small smile. I smiled back before getting up and walking toward the door.

Todoroki's POV:
I still don't know how I'm gonna handle this. At least Midoriya's having fun with a friend. If we get caught..... I could lose him. Fuyumi was already sold away, and both my brothers, Natsuo and Toya, are runaways. Izuku is the only friend I have left.

*knock knock knock*

I get up off my bed and opened my door. My eyes narrowed, and my face twisted in disgust when I saw who it was....
Katsuki Bakugou.

"What do you want." I spat annoyed. Why did he even bother showing up!? Just to mock me? "Oh nothing,.... just checking up. Have you made your decision yet?" He smirked. God I hate this guy! Wasn't he Midoriya's master? Doesn't he have any sympathy toward him at all?
"No..." I answered, averting my gaze to the floor.
Katsuki glared at me and then walked away, slamming the door behind him.

Bakugou's POV:
AHHHHH that half n half bastard needs to hurry up and give Deku back already!!! I know it seems really extreme, but if it'll make Kirishima happy, I'm willing to risk it. And nothing will get in my way. If those two wanna test my sympathy and see if I'll actually tell, their in for a wild ride because I always keep my word.

Hey guys. Sooooo sorry for the delay! Scince school is ending this week my posting schedule should return to normal. What are you guy's favorite animes? I wanna know what other content I can make! Feel free to correct me in the comments as well.💚💚💗 Sorry it was so short.

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