14-Fight For are Lives

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Enji's POV:
I have had enough of this. I will not bother to hear arguments from a peasant. "Only Shoto will be granted permission to speak. If I hear the servant's voice, you will both be drowned.

Third Person POV:
An unsettling silence fell over the room. Bakugou's face twisted with guilt and regret. He didn't actually think the king would kill them. Todoroki is his son. Didn't that mean anything to him?

The young prince took a deep breath. His life, and Izuku's were both riding on his shoulders. "I'm the one who bought Izu-Midoriya. It's only natural that I request his presence. Um.... I only mean to make all my servants useful." Todoroki stated with clear uncertainty in voice.

"I can debunk that claim!" One of the gaurds started. The accused duo shot death stares at the man.
"If he wanted to make him useful, then he  wouldn't have given Midoriya off days.

Tap tap tap.

The king pushed his mallet against his desk. "The accused are found-

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