Chapter 7

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Todoroki's POV:
Hooray, I say sarcastically to myself. I'm still very angry that my father is selling off my sister to some nobleman, but there's nothing I can do about it now scince we're hosting the celebration today. Honestly, there is nothing to be celebrating, I'll miss my sister terribly.

After I got dressed, I headed to the kitchen to check on the progress of the feast being made for tonight. To my delight, I spotted Midoriya. "Good morning." I let out, "H-hi Todoroki!" Midoriya said, surprised. "Sorry," I stated moving closer to him, "I didn't mean to startle you." His face flushed a subtle shade of pink before he went to get a big bag that said 'flower' on it. He then poured some of it into a bowl. "Can I help?" Midoriya looked up at me surprised, "Sure, can you grab that spoon?" "Ok." I affirmed, reaching behind me and picking up the thick wooden spoon, and then handed it to Midoriya. He put the spoon back in my hand, and then into the batter. "Come on, don't you wanna try?" Midoriya said from behind me, shooting a playful smirk upward. I can hardly believe this is the same boy who I talked to a few days ago. The only sign of recognition is his beautiful forest green curls, and engulfing emerald green eyes. "Ok." I smiled and slightly chuckled to myself at his sudden change in behavior. Mabey he was finally warming up to me. Midoriya stood behind me and used wrist to guide me in stirring the batter.

"What even are we making?" I said laughing, this most fun I've had in years, I feel so relaxed and at ease. "Really! We're putting in the fire place, and you still dont know what it is?!" He said with joy and playfulness. I love this side of Midoriya! It's almost as if its channelling some foreign spirt of happiness deep within me.

The afternoon bell..... I have to go ready for dinner now. I was upset, I didn't want to leave Midoriya this is the most fun I'd ever had before. "Awwww," Midoriya sighed disappointed, "I guess you have to go know huh." "Sadly." I said with a frown before walking away.

At dinner

This is so boring. I thought as rehearsed words flooded out of my. "Hahaha." my father laughed " To my beautiful daughter," he started, raising his glass, "and her newly wedded husband, under the rule of the king!" Everyone clapped and started making small talk with those around them. I was looking around as I saw a familiar head of green hair walk with a try in hand next to some other servants. I start to walk over to him, but am stopped by a girl pulling my arm back toward her. "Hey~" she said, looking into my eyes. "Hello, if you'll excuse me, I'm looking for someone." I say back to her in a monotoned voice. I really just wanted to get to Midoriya, the young lady was very beautiful but I just.... wasn't attracted by it. There's just something about Midoriya's eyes, hair, body, I dont even know what it is, but I just gravitate towards him. I melt into happiness every time I see his smile. "Okay." She replied, sounding a bit angry now. After she let's go of me I make my way to where Midoriya was walking before. Ugh, I think to myself, it's because of that ignorant girl that I missed my chance. I was really excited to see Midoriya, I was finally going to get a break from all this prim and proper boringness. Guess I'll just have to wait out the rest of banquet.

Later that night-
I was sitting on my bed waiting for Midoriya. I had sent word to servant quarters that I needed to see him, but I was too eager to wait more than another five seconds. Just then, the door cracked open, and green curls were visible from the other side. "Come in!" I said, a little to happily. "Y-you called your majesty?" Midoriya responded, walking in and closing the door. I frowned slightly as I walked towards him. "I told you didn't need to so formal." I told him, pushing the green locks away from his forehead.  He leaned his face into my chest and rapped his arms around my waist. I hugged him back and then led him over to a small sofa in the corner of my room. "Hey." Midoriya tried to start conversation, awkwardly waving one his hands. I took the opportunity and grabbed his hands, interlocking my fingers with his. "Izuku Midoriya, I don't know why, but every time I see you I smile....It's like you have me under a spell. And with your permission-" I was interrupted by him gently putting his soft lips onto mine. After a little while he broke away slowly. "Yes." He stated simply. I doubt either of knew what was happening, but I was..... happy.

Third Person POV:
Nor Todoroki, or Midoriya knew what was taking place right there. They were not aware of love, but would soon know it's meaning. And the risk that it was involved with.

Is this a cliffhanger? I think I'm getting better at those. Sorry for the delay, but I managed to keep within the schedule. Please leave any tips you have in the comments section. 💖💖💖

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