Chapter 11

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Third Person POV:
1 more day...

That is all Midoriya and Todoroki had left to decide their fate. The worst part was that they were both happy. Truly happy, for the time in a while. Midoriya was the only one young Shoto had to talk to, and now, just like everyone else in his life, it was being ripped! Torn from his life forever!!!

Todoroki's POV:
This is terrible. Why do I feel this way? I'm in so much pain, yet I haven't been injured in the slightest. This is excruciating! I didn't even notice I was crying until a tear drop hit my leg. Strange, the water in that drop was beautiful. Shining and perfect, just like love. Until it came crashing down and splattered, just like my love. So this is what denial feels like... I've never been denied anything in my entire life. I can't handle this pressure! Being a prince, and being related to the scum bag I call father was enough. But good old Kastuki Bakugou had go and rip the only good thing I had going for me out of my life forever. How could he! I would have him thrown in the dungeon, but then he'd tell, that or I'd have to explain why I wanted him down there. This is just to much... I hope he burns in h*ll

Midoriya's POV:
Alright, I've been reading over these books for a whole day now. There is no way we could ever get a lawler if we are convicted of this "crime" unless Todoroki's status can cheat the system. Kacchan lacks witnesses and solid proof, so we have the upper hand no matter how you look at it. Ejirou would never pretend to witness anything that could kill me so that's out of the question. But, the one thing I'm worried about is the guards. Todoroki has been especially generous to me ever scince I got here, giving me special leaves and ordering me to his room for no particular reason at all. Kacchan can't possibly know any of that, but if the king ask them, they will tell. When I put it that way, I'm staring death right in the face. But it's either that or I'll have to leave Todoroki.  I'm having a hard time weighing my options. It should be obvious, the logical explanation would be to leave, but..... I guess this isn't logical.

Is this....

Alright I've made a decision!

Third Person POV:
And only a few minutes later, Prince Shoto Todorki heard a knock on his bedroom door.

Hey, I really don't know what to say this time bros. Welp, sorry it's pretty short, but I've got this all planned out mk? 😉 HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!🏳️‍🌈

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