Chapter 3

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Todoroki's POV
"Midoriya," I started, " If you don't mind my asking, how do you know how to read?" I'd never seen a servant with that kind of education before. "My parents taught me...." he answered, a little sadness in tone. I give a confused look as gets up. "I-I think I should go see if I'm needed anywhere around the castle! He said, trying to disguise his sorrow. "Midoriya, I told you I get what I want, and want to what's wrong." I replied, unintentionally sounding a bit annoyed. "I-I..... but your highness!" He stated surprised, then quickly walked away before I could order him to say anything else to me. I stared at him as he walked, the way his hips swayed as he moved. Only then had I realized how skinny he was. The Bakugou's must not have fed him very frequently. After all, servants belong to their masters, unless the king tells them otherwise. It's a law I wished to break, it be better for most people that way, but if I did, Midoriya would no longer belong to me. But it is my duty as a prince to ensure the greatness, and prosper of the kingdom! I just can't stand the thought of Midoriya being someone else's. He is mine now after all.

"-And that is why, we must feel the prosperity of the kingdom within ourselves, for the good of everyone around us!" I announced, sounding ever so frank but hint of pride lingered in my tone. After my speech I walked off the stage, feeling my poster slouch as soon as I was out of the public's site. The worst part about being prince is the public announcements. I wonder what Midoriya's up to......

Midoriya's POV:
I missed the prince's speech, I didn't have time to go and listen to it, as soon as I got from the library I had list and list of work to complete. I was scrubbing the floor in a hallway on the left wing of the castle. Man is this a lot of work. I thought as I finished and quickly got up to do my next job.

I was walking back from the well the castle gets its warm water from to fill the bath with clean water for the prince. I had already drained the water so it was only a matter of filling it back up. I was on my fourth bucket of water and the tub was already a little over half way full, so this should be my last round trip. I started filling up the water when all of the sudden I hear a the door open up behind me. I flinched at the sound, letting droplets hit the ground.  I set the bucket down on the counter and turned around to see who had walked in. When I was facing the door I saw a shirtless and slightly flushed Todoroki. ... The room went dead silent for a moment before Todoroki opened his mouth, ready to speak. "So,... I noticed weren't at my speech earlier." He said frankly, but a sly smile on his rose pink lips. "I........I-aaaaa.." I tried to open my mouth to speak but all that came out were a few odd noises. "Hah, I see your having trouble getting your words together Midoriya." He said teasing me. Part of me wanted to sass back but I couldn't form a sentence. My eyes were to busy darting back and forth along his chest. Before I had the chance to react, he walked up to me and pulled my chin up to face his face elusive, and mysterious eyes. "Midoriya, I need to bathe." Todoroki let out slowly. "Y-yaaaa"y-yess your majesty!" I just barely managed to say. I quickly picked up the bucket and dumped the rest of the water into the bath before jetting out of the room. So embarrassing... I said to myself as palmed my face.

Todoroki's POV:
Midoriya..... he so odd sometimes. Either that he's falling for my charms. I chuckled to myself.

As I'm in my bedroom, preparing for my rest a hear a thud outside my room. I walk out my door see tumbled Midoriya on the floor. "Are you alright." I state looking down at the small figure. "Yes! In alright your majesty." Midoriya responded a bit surprised. I leaned down, grabbing onto his shoulders and pulling him back to his feet. "Th-thank you your highness." Midoriya let out in response. "No need to thank me." I stated before asking, "Oh and Midoriya, I'd like to when the last time you ate was." Ever so calmly. "Oh-I um last Sunday I believe, Kacchan and his family didn't feed me much, and I've just kind of grown used to it. I had some what of shocked expression on my face before saying "Alright, thank you, good night." I'll have to do something about that. Even if he's a servant he's still a human being. I climbed into my bed after blowing out the lantern lit inside my room as I retired for the night.

Hello, it's me again. I'd just like to thank you for reading. I mean my first posted story and already 20 views in the past three days!!! I've been posting every day so far, and I'll try to keep that streak, this weekend I'll be busy and I dont if I'll have the time. Love you all, please correct my mistakes in the comments. 🥰💖💛 900 words

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