Chapter 4

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Todoroki's POV:
Ding. Ding. Ding.
I here the farmiler sound of the morning bell as it awakes me from my slumber. As I sit up in my bed, my eyes are brought to a squint by the bright rays of light peeking threw my window. It was as if the sun wanted to greet me as I awoke. "H-hello? Um your highness, I-I have your breakfast..." I here a voice squeak from behind my door. "Come in..." I respond, still half asleep. As the door opened, my eyes got caught in the green hair of the servant who had made me breakfast. I immediately recognized it, Midoriya.... "Put the food in the same in the same spot as the tea.." I say, with tiredness. "Y-yes sir!" Midoriya replied, obviously on alert. As he turned around to make a dash for the "Have a seat." I ordered. Of course, Midoriya did as he was told and sat down in one of the chairs at my table.
I walked over to my table and sit down across from him. After I was seated, I cut my biscuit into two pieces and handed him one.  "W-wha?" Midoriya questioned. "You said Bakugou wasn't feeding you properly, I wont make the same mistake." I stated. "B-but! I told you I'd gotten used to it..... and besides, I'm not hungry anyway." Midoriya let out, I couldn't tell if he was lying about being hungry or not, but I knew that I had a big problem on my hands if he was no longer able to intake normal amounts of foods. "Eat it, that's an order." I said monotoned as usual. I watch as he slowly picked up the bread, and took a small bite, and then another, and then set it down. "How is it?" I asked, jestering to the biscuit. "It's good." Midoriya retorted. A moment of silence passed as I ate. After a while, Midoriya got and opened the curtains before walking out of my room. Might as well get dressed I suppose.

Midoriya's POV:
When I got back to servant quarters, I took a seat on my mattress. The only light in the room came from an almost burnt out candle in the corner, since the rooms were located in the basement. I scanned my eyes around the small wooden box, the same water bucket sat in the far right corner of the room. A thin layer of dust covered everything in site, it looked it hadn't been touched in a while, but the truth was there was never time to clean the servant's things. Most dont even get education beyond walking, talking, and cleaning. I'm lucky my mother taught me to read before...... I cut off my on thoughts as I get up to go get my list of chores for the day.
  After I was done scrubbing the countertops in the kitchen, I moved on to dusting the throne room. I just hope I dont run into Todoroki again. I don't think he understands how to talk to people. Mabey it's my social awkwardness, but I think he wants to get know me, but........ I don't want him to me. I just have a hard time reading him. Usually, I just watch people from afar, or listen to the tone of their voice, but..... Todoroki is different. I can't see the emotion on his face, or hear it voice. He's always so frank. But I know the only way to get him to open to me, is to open up to him, and that's not gonna happen. This place is very different from Kacchan's house though. There's a lot more scenery here, but the servant quarters were better at Kacchan's. Even though we all slept in the same, witch was about fifty people, the room was big, and almost normal aside from all the people in it. Kacchan really didn't feed us well. Sometimes I'd have to wait weeks for small bag of rice, and if someone else took your meal, you'd have to wait until the next time everyone was fed. Once, I lived off only water for four weeks straight because Monama kept stealing my food. I recalled, as I was dusting the thone. My inermonalog was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Todoroki, great.... "Hello Midoriya." He said, I replied to him with a smile. It's not that I don't like seeing Todoroki, it's just kinda awkward sometimes. After all, you don't get much experience talking to people, as you do following orders. As much as I disliked it, that was my life. "What brings you here?" His highness ask, breaking the short moment of silence. "I'm on duty sir." I returned. "Ah, I see, I'll get out of your way." Majesty stated. I bowed, as he was leaving I saw a little bit of disappointment in his eyes. Our exchanges were always strange from my perspective, how's a servant supposed to talk to a prince?

Todoroki's POV:
I was a little upset when I learned that Midoriya was working. I know I'm the who hired, well, bought him. I wanted to ask him more questions though, like, did he have any family, or if he had any friends at his old master's place. "Pr-prine Todoroki!" A somewhat deep voice called from across the hallway. I turned around to one of my father's royal messengers, they spread word or news throughout the castle, or kingdom if need be. "You're needed in the banquet hall." The man said as he bowed in my presence. "Thank you, I'll be right there." I said professionally, and turned to the direction I was needed in.

When I got there, I saw my father sitting on the far edge of table with the tallest chair in the room. "You called." I spoke with drabness. I looked to my father's right and saw a somewhat frightened Midoriya, looking down at the floor. "This thing tripped and spilt water all over the throne room. Other servants are cleaning as we speak, but because it's your servant, your going to discipline him." ... My mind went blank. I guess I forgot servants were thought to be objects. I have no idea what to do, I dont want to punish him, but then my father will. "Alright, Midoriya, come with me." I say with dryness. With his head still down, Midoriya quickly made his way over to me, and we exited the room.

Midoriya's POV:
Oh man... I really messed up this time didn't I mom.

Hello, I am so sorry it took so long! Almost a week! I'll try get a schedule, and give updates on a regular basis. Thank you for reading, drop corrections in the comments section 💖💖 1100 words

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