Chapter 12-The Decision

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Todoroki's POV:
"Come in..." I say hesitantly in response to the knock on my door. I was still in a daze, I was running out of time. The door opened reveling a familiar green head of hair. My eyes widened. I really wanted to run up and hug him, I hadn't seen him in a while. "Some one could us! Are you alright!" I blurted out in a panic.

Third Person POV:
The greenette wasn't sure what to say. He hadn't really thought that far ahead. Shoto was obviously panicking, and Midoriya new what he had to do.

The smaller boy looked up into the prince's eyes, taking in their beauty. He wanted to see as much of them as he possibly could. Izuku then threw his arms around Shoto and pushed his lips against his. The taller boy was suprised but slowly let himself melt into the kiss.
The shorter finally broke the contact, and pushed face into the prince's chest.

"Shoto....." Midoriya spoke quietly, but still loud enough for the other to hear him. "I love you.... and I'm not going to let them take me away..." Todoroki's eyes widened. It only took him a second to realize what he needed to do as well. "Yeah," the price softly smiled as he spoke, "I love you too." 

The two boys feel asleep in Todoroki's bedroom. They both new what to do now. It was so simple now. They both now saw that the love they shared couldn't be separated by laws and power. It just wasn't possible. There wasn't going to be any second chances, tomorrow Bakugou would have their decision. They wouldn't go down without a fight.

Bakugou's POV:
Finally! Deku was coming back. Kirishima would happy. That sh*tty prince would finally taste defeat. And to top it all off, I would get everything I wanted! This was absolutely perfect.

Enji Todoroki's POV:
"I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE TO SEND THE MILITARY!!! BRING MY SONS BACK!!" I yelled at the soldiers as they nodded and walked out of the room. A satisfied smile spread across my face. I looked back down at the paper in front of me. There was some kind of criminal, and they needed a just punishment for him. Hmmm, he was a petty thief, around 20, and had illegally sold the stolen items. He had been at this for a year or so... fire it's always my first thought. The flames engulfed anyone that dared to deify me. Anyone that would dare to disobey, or speak against me deserved to let the swirling fire decide their fate. Burn him at the stake. I wrote. I wanted to be there to hear his screams. The fire would always obey me. It burned whoever, and whatever I wanted it to.

Midoriya's POV: 3hrs before time was up

I woke up at nine to gather as much defense and evidence as I possibly could. I dropped my pen, shaking out my wrist. I took a look at Shoto's gentle sleeping face. I could never afford to lose that. Even if it meant death. Todoroki hadn't really built up much of a rappor with any of the gaurds, so I can't be expecting them to keep quiet about their prince's actions toward me. As far as I'm concerned, no one other than Bakugou had seen, or known that they kissed. And he didn't have any solid evidence that I'm aware of. We didn't have any time to get a proper lawyer as the trial would most likely take place tomorrow, as soon as possible. King Enji would be the judge, that was set in stone. So maybe he would show the slightest bit of mercy toward his son. Mabey this wouldn't be as impossible as we originally thought.

Third Person POV:
Little did Midoriya know, he forgot to consider the most important possibility, that Bakugou had managed to gather evidence against them. And he had also put just a little to much faith in Enji's heart.


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