Chapter 13-Trial

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Third Person POV:
Midoriya had fallen asleep while working and time flew by. It was now 11:55 and Shoto and Izuku were sitting at a table waiting for Bakugou to arrive.




Right on time, Kastuki Bakugou opened the young prince's bedroom door. Todoroki stood up as the door closed behind Bakugou. "Take a seat?" Todoroki asked assertively. Kastuki rolled his and sat down across from the accused duo. "Are you idiots finally ready to coperate?" The noble question, clearly already annoyed by their company. "We've decided," the prince started. Bakugou grinned, sure that he had gotten what he wanted. "That we'll go to court, Izuku isn't going anywhere." He finished as the smirk on Kastuki's face vanished. "YOU MORONS!! YOU WOULD RATHER PUT EVERYTHING ON LINE?! YOUR LIVES, YOUR FREEDOM, AND YOUR STATUS?!?" Bakugou responded furiously. "I NEVER had freedom Kacchan!! Not until I met Shoto! I've never felt so......alive." Midoriya finally spoke up. And he spoke the truth. He had felt alive, never before had he experienced such a rush. The prince made his world colorful, and he would hold on to that color. Izuku wanted to do anything he could to make sure that the light Shoto Todoroki had brought into his life, stayed there forever.  "Ngh! FINE! have it your way!!," Bakugou stood up before he headed for the door. "See you court, extras!!" He finished, before flipping them off, and closing the door behind him. "Huh, hoo" Midoriya let out a jagged breath, and raised his hand to his chest. "That was probably the scariest thing I've ever done." He stated softly. Shoto pulled him into a tight hug. "It'll be alright..." he returned. Shoto knew that was undetermined, but still. To him, as long as he was with the smaller boy, it would be alright. Izuku was like a flame that melted the cage of ice built around his heart. He had never truly noticed how cold it had been before the greenette showed up. He loved this new warmth, he cherished it with every fiber of his being. He wasn't fighting for his life, his freedom or his place on the throne. He was fighting to protect Izuku, as long as Shoto had him, he wasn't sure anything else was necessary.

And so, with the determination to protect one another, the boys prepared for battle. It would be the hardest one either of them had fought.

Kirishima's POV:
I wasn't sure what was going on. Lots of people were rushing around the castle, and Bakugou wasn't in quarters. I caught to guards talking and decided to ease drop. I could only barely make out what they were saying. Something about trial? court? and Prince Todoroki? What does he have to do with the royal court? The king, was the one in charge of that. Unless mabey he's training? I walked away to go see Midoriya. Mabey he'll know what's going on. I take a turn down the hallway and walk down the now farmiler stone staircase. I walk up to Izuku's room and knock on the door. No answer. Mabey I should just go in? I debated with myself. "Hey, bro? I'm coming in k?" I twist the knob and push the door open. The room was empty. All that was left was his mattress, blanket, and a book. I slowly reached downward and picked it up. Crime and Punishment. I read. I quickly opened the page to the marked section.


I dropped the book and covered my mouth in fear and panic. Is that why everybody's so hectic today? Is this why there's going to be a trial? And if the prince is going to be there,.... and Izuku's not in his room then.-

This can't be happening. It just can't. 
Midoriya, he can't go to court! He has no power to drive higher authority into listening to him! I guess the prince will be there too though. But there jury is the king! I-I have to see him! I need to be there for him! There both going to need all the support in the world right now.

In Court-

Third Person POV:
"Today," King Enji started, "I bring to the stand Izuku Midoriya, a servant that serves under my son, and Prince Shoto Todoroki, my son. They have been accused of having a secret relationship. Testifying against them is Kastuki Bakugou, a nobleman from my kingdom." Midoriya looked down at the ground and played with his fingers, while Todorki looked everywhere but at his father. Bakugou stood there with a smirk on his face and the king glared daggers at his son.  "Kastuki Bakugou, please take the stand." Enji stated in a cold tone. Kastuki nodded and got ready to speak. "Well your majesty, I've called us hear today because two days ago I caught the prince and his servant kissing. These two have spent an awful lot of time together, as this guard, Sir Zash, can attest. Zash took a few steps forward and then began to speak. "Yes it is true, the prince often gives Midoriya free days, and requests his presence frequently. He has even given special permission for him to have visitors in quarters. Yesterday, a boy named Kirishima stayed in his room until curfew. He had special permission from the prince to visit the servant. Prince Todorki has also, on multiple occasions, given me orders to let Midoriya in and out of servant quarters whenever he pleases. The prince obviously likes this servant boy's company." He finished and Shoto had just realized that he had been holding his breath. "Thank you Zash, anything else Bakugou?" King Enji returned, clearly annoyed. "Yes your grace, I have another witness." The librarian stepped forward. "Izuku Midoriya spends alot of time with the prince in the royal library. But Midoriya has checked out multiple books on the topic of same gender relationships." She walked up to the king's desk and put the library check out paper in front of him. 

"Alright, I've had enough of this session, I have my decision!" The king declared. "But father! We haven't eve-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH CHILD!" Enji interrupted his son.

"The accused are found‐

Aye! Sorry that took so long, I had to figure out how court sessions work.😅 It was harder than expected, and I had to make due without the jury tho cause the king has all power. Bye, tell me if I can improve in the comments.

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