Chapter 8

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Todoroki's POV:
After Midoriya left my room I flopped down onto my couch. "Wow....." I whispered to myself as I felt my lips curve into a slight smile. "Wow..." I repeated.

Third Person POV:
Todoroki got up and walked over to his bed, still in a slight daze. He dozed into slumber with a smile planted on his lips, something that hadn't happened in years.

Midoriya's POV:
I woke in the same boring setting as I went to bed in. "Nugh..." I sighed and rubbed my eyes. .... OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!! I suddenly remembered what happened last night. What the heck did I do!!!! I can't believe it! My face flushed a deep shade of pink. Did I-no, did we really-my thoughts were cut off by the door opening, it was my supervisor. What could he want? "Midoriya, we've been ordered by his majesty to give you a free day, use it wisely." He stated, looking jealous, and sounding kinda annoyed. "Yes sir!!" I replied hesitantly as he left the room. Guess I'll get dressed then.

After I got dressed, I decided to head down to the library. I hadn't read anything in a while l, and I needed something to keep me occupied. As I began to walk down the halls, I also began to think. Lost in thought, I accidentally bumped into someone. "I-I I'm, so sorry!!," I began, "P-please forgive me." I squinted my eyes and my head dropped downwards. "No! It's alright!-wait....MIDORIYA!!!" The boy smiled, "Kirishima!" I replied excitedly. "It's been way to long man!" He stated, pulling me into a tight bear hug. "I missed you too Kiri." I laughed a little. Ejirou Kirishima was my best friend back at Kacchan's manner. Me and Ejirou had lots of great memories together, we were almost inseparable when we were little. "Well," Kiri started, breaking the hug, "I have to go tend to the master soooo....I'll see you later?" "Yep!" I added, he continued walking. So Kacchan's back......I thought as I continued on my way to the library.

I opened the large double doors and looked around, the books that were neatly placed on each shelve excited me. I love learning new knowledge, It opens me up to new opportunities. Although I'd never be able to exercise this knowledge. I'm a servant for life.....and no matter how much I hate it , I can't change it.

I walked over to the shelf and grabbed a book. I then sat down and started to read. However I was interrupted shortly afterwards by a tap on my shoulder. "I thought I'd find you here." Todoroki said, looking down to meet my eyes. "Oh, hey Todoroki." I smiled and stood up to greet him. I feel much more comfortable around him now. "Midoriya, come with me for a sec will you?" He asked, putting out his hand for me to grab. "Alright...." I tilted my head to the side in confusion and took his hand. He led me to his reading spot. "Midoriya....I'm confused...what,.....what are we?" He asked, staring into my eyes. "I don't know...." I replied quietly. I'd never thought about it like that like.... I gues- my thoughts were soon interrupted by Todoroki, who had grabbed onto one of my hands, and used his other hand to tilt my head up toward his. He gently put his lips against mine, taking them away less than five seconds later. "I guess it doesn't matter," he stated, just above a whisper, "as long as we're together." He kissed my hand and gave me a gentle smile.

Bakugou's POV:
AHHH! I'm so angry!!! Why did my stupid parents make me come back here!!! "Kirishima!!" I yelled, wacking my head back to face the red head. "Calm down Bakubro." He said, smiling slightly while he shook his head. "I'm gonna go find the nerd..., I'll be back soon." I stated, as I walked out the door.

I figured he would probably be in the library.....either that or he's working. But I recieved word that I needed to let that sh!t-head, Todoroki, know that I was here. I wondered the library, walking around untill I saw a corner, with mob of fluffy green hair poking around it. I walked up to it, but when I turned the corner, I saw something I'd never expected, not even in a million years. Prince Todoroki.......was... with Deku.. I couldn't believe my eyes. This...this is illegal.. I thought to myself in utter shock and disbelief. "What..the hell?" I said as turned the corner. Deku flinched and fell backward. "K-kacchan..." Deku yelped in suprise. "WHAT WERE YOU TWO DOING!!" I yelled. Then....I got an idea. I smiled slightly while the prince glared at me. I can use this.... I can use this to get Deku back..... Kirishima misses him,.... and I wanted him to be happy... I can black mail this dumb ass prince.... I could get Deku...Kiri's friend back. "What are you smiling about?." Todoroki questioned, with rage in his tone. "Give Deku back to me, or tell everyone about have two days to make up your mind...."

Hey guys, it seems like I'm getting a little better at cliff hangers. Please let me know if I can do anything better. I should be posting a little more often because our spring break has been extended.

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