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Kirishima's POV:
I threw down the book and ran up the stairs, tears in my eyes, slightly clouding my vision. This cant be happening!! I thought, Midoriya doesn't stand a chance, not up against the king!
I ran threw corridor after corridor, not even stopping to acknowledge the glances I received from the gaurds as a zoomed passed them. Who would even take them to court! There was no reason to be upset, Todoroki and Izuku were happy! Isnt that all that mattered?!

My muscles tensed as approached the gaurd standing in front of the court room. I'm gonna have to mow him down.


I knocked him over. Wait what! What the hell am I doing!! I'll be arrested for this.. NO get Izu out of there! Yeah, I need to focus on the present! Woah, that super manly.....NO! Ejirou!! Focus!

I pushed open the door as the king spoke.


My heart drop 10 feet into my stomach. Tears pricked my eyes threatening to fall. Everyone in the room  snapped there heads towards me, and that's when I saw it.........


HE did this! How! Why! He knew Midoriya was my best friend.. The warm tears my eyes had been holding dropped down face and onto the floor.

"They will be burned  to death tonight."

Todoroki's POV:
I'm being burnt alive.... and my father gave the order.....

Gaurds came from all sides they grabbed me and Izuku and dragged us to the dungeon. All I could do was helplessly watch as the love of my life cried in agony.

In the cell
Third Person POV:
Izuku and Shoto sat in silence for a moment as they examined the small, cold, stone room. "Sho...." Izuku wined quietly. "Yeah.." The former prince wiped a tear from his eye as he spoke. "I- I'm so sorry.." The small boy began to cry in pain and sadness, "If you never met me... then this wouldn't have happened." "Hey," Shoto started "None of is your fault.. I don't blame you." The two young boys looked into each other's eyes. Midoriya leaned in and their lips came together.

The door burst open and two gaurds walked in. They forced the two up and apart before dragging them throughout the castle. About 7ft before the exit of the castle they were greeted by the royal court, who first bowed to signifie their grief, and then booed the prince and his servant to show that he is no longer among them.

This was it....

The two teenagers were brought to the center of the village and forcibly tied onto wooden poles. Everyone in the crowd lit a match before throwing, and lighting all the wood on fire.


Their screams of agony and suffering rang all over town. Warning children what would happen if they broke the laws. As the king watched from his balcony.

Izuku's POV:
It hurts....... so much... I cant hold on. I can feel my skin peeling off and clothes have burnt off too. "Izuku!!" I heard Shoto call out to me. I looked his way. "I' AHHHH l- lo love you....." I watched as his body went limp. "Yeah." I finally let go of mine.... that was it...

Bakugou's POV:
"Kiri! Wait!" I called out desperately. "Wait for what? For you to kill me next!" He returned. "No I wasn't trying to-"  "To what? Get one of my closets friends burned at the stake!?" Ejirou interrupted. "Just forget it Kastuki. I'll be leaving your mansion by the end of the week, and then we'll never see each other again." Kirishima stomped off furiously. I messed this up.... and I dont I can clean it up.

Enji's POV:
"Sir," a gaurd walked up to me. "We have located the runaway princes, they will be delivered to the castle tomorrow morning." "Perfect, leave me." I replied. "Yes sire." And the gaurd left. The kingdom has a knew air.


That's the End! I really hope you enjoyed this story, and let me know if you think I should continue to right on this app.

Are You Mine Yet? (A Medieval AU, tododeku story)Where stories live. Discover now