Chapter 5

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Todoroki's POV:
The walk back my room with Midoriya was very awkward. He didn't say a single word. He looks really frightened, I wonder if he actually thinks that I'm going to hurt him. If he's this scared, Bakugou must of done some pretty terrible things to him. I just don't know how anyone could hurt someone like him. I might 'own' Midoriya, but there's still so much I want to know about him. I want to ask him what his old master's place was like, what fascinates him about world we live in, and if he had any family. I can't ask such personal questions without building up a rappor first, even if I could technically just order him to do so. That wouldn't be right though.

When we finished down the halls, I gently pushed open the door to my room. We both walked inside, and sat down on my bed. "L-listen, I'm terribly sorry master,....f-for the ruckus I caused. I promise it'll never happen again!" Midoriya delivered. His eyes were scrunched closed, and his hand were balled into fist, hanging by his sides. "I know it was an accident, there's no need to be so formal." I replied, letting the seriousness float off my chest as spoke. I felt at ease, those big green open up mind every time see them. Midoriya stacure was visibly less tense after I spoke. I wonder if it was the words I said, or the way that I spoke them that calmed him down. I've learned a lot about how to approach people by talking to Midoriya, even it was only a few short and kind of awkward conversations,I'd  never had a friend before.
"Midoriya," I stated, grabbing his hand with one of mine, and having the other open my window, "Come with me." I stood on my window ledge, pulling Midoriya up after me. "A-ah!?" Midoriya said with surprise. I climbed up onto the roof of the castle, and pulled Midoriya up so that he was sitting beside me. "I-I thought I was being punished." Midoriya said playfully and smiled with relief. "Nah, doesn't sound right to me." I returned his smile and looked up at the glowing night sky. The moon illuminated the view of the entire kingdom, as unfair as the laws may be, Endeavour really was a beautiful place. From up top of the castle, I could see all the candle lights go dark as people turned in for the night. The twinkle of the stars light the pounds and lakes, it was a beautiful site to take in. I glanced over to my side to see Midoriya looking up at the sky in pure aw. The way he was smiling could bring an entire village of people happiness and joy. It was really nice having Midoriya around, besides my sister, Midoriya was the only person I could talk to, and be myself with. But my sister wont be around for long. My father sold her off to some nobleman in a different village. The laws in this kingdom are absolutely ridiculous. A man could sell a woman as long as he had the permission of the king, the woman would get no say in what happened to her. It was all the more reason for me to change them when I'm king.
Ding. I hear in the darkness of the outdoors. Signaling for me to get bed. "We better head in." I affirmed, looking toward Midoriya. "Okay, hey, T-Todorki, thank you, for tonight. I had a lot of fun." He said shyly. "Of course." I replied happily, and stepped back inside threw my window closing it behind us.

Hello, I'm sorry for this taking a while, four whole days. But I finally got some sort of schedule. You can expect updates within the time span of three weeks from when last chapter was posted. And if anything happens that throws me off schedule. I'll let you know. Typical posting days should be Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and the weekends depending on my competition schedule. Sorry the chapter was short, but if it was any longer it would eat away at my plans for next chapter.💖💖 around 680 words

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