~Chapter 2~

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Laughing Jack's POV~~

As soon as I got back to the carnival, I entered my tent and quietly went into my bedroom. Once I was there, I approached my bed and gently placed the small girl on the bed. I looked down at her and felt........pity. I don't know why I felt this way.......but I did. She was so small. I sighed, before turning around to see that Jason had popped in. I almost jumped because of him! "Y-You scawed me!" I stuttered. He laughed. "Sorry Jack." He replied, laughing. "Its okay." He looked over my shoulder and saw the girl. "Who is this Jack? What is she doing here?" I sighed. "She was......she was watching me do twicks today." I explained. "She was sad because no one wanted to play with her after my twicks were over. Twee boys cownewed her and huwt her, and......the boy named "Eric".....huwt her and pushed her and she fell down hitting her head and they left her thewe." He just listened quietly. "I.....I couldn't leave her thewe! She's my fwiend!" I said, looking back at her. He was silent, listening intently. "Can you help her Mr.Jason Pwease?" He was silent for a long time and finally answered. "Yes. I think I can help her." I sighed in relief. I entered the room with him and watched as he wrapped a bandage around her head, but applied something to it. She winced and I felt nervous. "There. She should be fine now." he said, leaving. "You should keep an eye on her." I agreed and just sat there, watching her. Why do I care so much for this girl? I thought to myself, feeling confused and frustrated. She's no different than my other 'friends'.....

But.....I.....I can't help......but.....feel......happy.....towards her. I was quietly sitting, waiting for her to wake up. I frowned, still conflicting my feelings.

Amy's POV~

I groaned as I was slowly waking up. I groaned when I opened my eyes, rubbing them before I slowly looked around. I saw was in a big tent, but there were no colors. I looked to my right and saw a black and white clown. "Oh, hi fwiend!" He said cheerfully. I panicked and quickly started crawling away from him. "N-N-No!" I cried, quivering. "W-Wait!" He called, but before I could respond, I fell onto the floor with a hard thud landing on my head. "OW!!" I cried, tears pricking my eyes as I whimpered from the pain. The clown ran to my side, and crouched down to me. I tried to crawl away. "N-No!" I cried, curling up into a ball and whimpered softly. "P-please no more E-Eric!!" My teddy bear was covering my face to hide my tears. "Don't be scawed fwiend! I'm not that meanie boy!" I lifted my head up to see that it wasn't Eric and his friends.

It was the boy that gave me the candy! 

I calmed down a little, but was still quietly sniffling. "I won't huwt you." he softly spoke, and he gently picked me up. For a six year old boy, he sure was strong! I whimpered in pain from my head, and he gently placed me back on the bed. "You fell weally badly. Awe you okay?" The boy asked, sitting next to me. I was quiet and didn't answer him. I was afraid. "It's okay. You can trust me." He looked at me with a friendly smile, holding his hand out. I looked up at him with big eyes. "My name is Laughing Jack. But you can call me Jack for showt if you want." He said, as he giggled. I slowly reached my small hand out to his, before slowly placing it into his bandaged hand. He smiled at me. "Yay! See? You can twust me!" He looked at me, his grey eyes shining. "What's your name?" I looked down, before looking back up at him. "A-Amy...." I replied shakily. He smiled at me, holding my small hand. "Amy huh? I like that name!" he replied. I gave a small smile and giggled. "Thank you." He gave me a small warm smile, and I giggled in response. My eyelids slowly started feeling tired, and before I knew it, I fell back asleep.

~~~ Your My Colors ~~~ Laughing Jack x (OC) Reader (Under editing currently!!)Where stories live. Discover now